Day 243 - 02 May 96 - Page 14
2 Q. "170 MPs have signed a Early day Motion (backbench
3 resolution) in support of the bill. The bill for the first
4 time would legally empower local authorities to produce
5 waste prevention plans and advise people on how to prevent
6 waste by substituting refill systems and washing services
7 for throwaways.
9 4. One of the ultimate aims of Agenda 21 the 1992 Rio
10 Declaration is the 'no waste society'."
12 Can you just give a brief explanation of what Agenda 21 of
13 the Rio Declaration is?
14 A. The Rio Earth Summit held in ----
16 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I know about that, but I think Mr. Morris is
17 asking you whether there is any significance in Agenda 21?
18 A. It is the name given to it. The conference saw the
19 moves we need to make to live sustainably in the 21st
20 Century.
22 MR. MORRIS: Right. Was this a Declaration that was signed by
23 -- who signed the Declaration?
24 A. Most nations.
26 Q. Most nations signed it?
27 A. Yes.
29 Q. "There is also a strong concern that raw materials, food
30 and other products should not travel long distances but
31 should be obtained as locally as possible and reused many
32 times. Industrialised countries should use smaller
33 quantities of materials and make sure that what is used
34 takes part in natural cycles: it should rot and become
35 food for something beneficial. Cycles for substances such
36 as metals and chemicals should be kept as closed as
37 possible. In parallel, energy use must be minimised to
38 counter fossil fuel use and global warming.
40 5. This emphasis on waste prevention is not really new.
41 The 1975 EC Framework Directive on Waste (Council Directive
42 on Waste No. 75/442/E.E.C. Article 3, section 1(a)) says:
44 '1. Member States shall take appropriate measures to
45 encourage:
47 (a) firstly, the prevention or reduction of waste
48 production and its harmfulness in particular by
49 - the development of clean technologies more sparing in
50 their use of natural resources;
51 - the technical development and marketing of products
52 designed to make no contribution or to make the smallest
53 possible contribution, by the processes of manufacture, use
54 or final disposal to increasing the amount of hazardous
55 nature of waste and pollution hazards;
56 - the development of appropriate techniques for the final
57 disposal of substances contained in waste destined for
58 recovery;
59 (b) secondly:
60 (i) the recovery of waste by means of recycling, reuse or