Day 243 - 02 May 96 - Page 13
1 A. Yes, it is.
3 Q. Do you stand by that report as written on 9th February
4 1995?
5 A. Yes, I do.
7 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Do you know of any examples of returnables
8 save in relation to drinks?
9 A. Apart from drinks you mean?
11 Q. Yes?
12 A. I believe that in the book also there are examples in
13 the same festival as uses the plastic returnable beakers.
14 They use pressed glass plates which they do not require a
15 deposit on, but that also works at a big event where there
16 are lots of people, so I would imagine it works in lots of
17 places. People do not steal them apparently.
19 Q. So the deposit items you know of are just in relation to
20 drinks though, returnable deposit items?
21 A. Yes, although there may be possibly others. Definitely
22 returnable items are being used at big public events. In
23 Nuremberg the local council asks events to use some form of
24 returnable items and not use disposables. They provided a
25 dish washing service for public events.
27 Q. Yes.
29 MR. MORRIS: Going on to your second statement, is it behind the
30 first statement?
31 A. No, it is not.
33 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Is there another copy?
35 MR. MORRIS: I think I have a spare copy, yes. If it could be
36 clipped, it could be put behind the other one. (Handed):
38 "Supplementary Statement from Anne Link, Science
39 Coordinator, Women's Environmental Network; 23rd April
40 1996:
42 1. My work is increasingly centred on waste prevention, in
43 order to lessen the environmental impacts and health
44 effects of processes such as monoculture plantation
45 establishment, woodpulping, plastic production and waste
46 disposal.
48 2. The UK Government has confirmed its position that waste
49 prevention (minimisation, reuse, refill, et cetera) is the
50 first priority in dealing with waste. (Making Waste Work:
51 A strategy for sustainable waste management in England and
52 Wales, Department of the Environment December 1995).
54 3. Women's Environmental Network has launched a Waste
55 Prevention Bill in the House of Commons. We have had a
56 useful discussion with the Department of Environment about
57 the bill and we are hopeful they will support it."
59 Have you been involved in those discussions?
60 A. Yes, I have.