Day 243 - 02 May 96 - Page 05

     1        That, it seems to me, is telling your Lordship your
     2        Lordship's business and that is in no sense the function of
     3        an expert or so-called expert to draw that sort of
     4        conclusion.  That is political commentary and that is a
     5        matter for your Lordship and not for the witness.
     7        Equally, my Lord, if your Lordship would read the whole of
     8        paragraph 12; I do not object to the hearsay here because
     9        it seems to be derived from the evidence given in this
    10        court, so I do not have a problem with the first sentence
    11        of paragraph 12.  But I have the same objection as I have
    12        just stated in relation to the last sentence in paragraph
    13        12.
    15        This is not the witness' fault, of course, but again that
    16        is not her province as a witness of fact or as an expert in
    17        this case; that is your Lordship's point. If that is a
    18        conclusion which, in the end, your Lordship draws, so much
    19        the worse for me, but it is not for Miss Link to make that
    20        kind of a comment.
    22   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  She is entitled to make it.  You say she is
    23        not entitled to make it in evidence in the witness box.
    25   MR. RAMPTON:  Of course she can make it in The Guardian
    26        newspaper or wherever else she wishes, but not in this
    27        court.
    29   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.  Are there any other parts?
    31   MR. RAMPTON:  No, my Lord, that is all.  I have tried to keep it
    32        as narrow as I possibly can.
    34   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Let me ask Mr. Morris and Ms. Steel about
    35        those.
    37        The first part I would like your comments on is paragraph 7
    38        after the first sentence.
    40   MR. MORRIS:  An expert is entitled to draw on research that they
    41        have done.  It does not have to be direct experience and,
    42        therefore, she is entitled to comment about research work,
    43        whether it is direct contact with people on the ground in
    44        Germany, reading materials, whatever, she is entitled to
    45        rely on that research.  It is up to the Plaintiffs to
    46        question her in the witness box to test that research and
    47        that opinion.  So, I do not think there is any problem
    48        personally with (7).
    50        She has quoted obviously one of the sources of her research 
    51        by quoting Dr. Suzanne Shimmack.  I do not know if there is 
    52        any objection to (9) now? 
    54   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  No.  Do not concern yourself about (9).  You
    55        may, if you want to rely on anything in (9), have to
    56        explain to me how it helps me, or could help me, in this
    57        case, but that is a matter for argument.
    59   MR. MORRIS:  Right.

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