Day 242 - 29 Apr 96 - Page 08
1 article -- may be if I read out the next statement first.
2 If you go to the next statement, I will read that out. It
3 is the one dated -----
5 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Wait a minute. The next one is 20th February
6 1996.
8 MR. MORRIS: That is correct.
10 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Do you have that there?
11 A. No, that is not there in the file.
13 Q. What I have is that short statement and pinned to it I have
14 what has been called a CEDI article, or part of it. It
15 looks like this and it has some maps on it.
17 MR. MORRIS: Yes.
19 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Ms. Steel has a copy of that. Perhaps that
20 could be punched and put in the bundle behind
21 Dr. Carriere's article. Then I have put the area handbook
22 of Costa Rica behind that.
24 MR. MORRIS: Right. (Handed).
26 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Do you mind putting that in the ringbinder?
27 A. And the area handbook as well?
29 Q. Yes, that is right, in that order, please. Would you like
30 to put them in?
31 A. Yes.
33 Q. Thank you.
35 MR. MORRIS: February 20th, 1996. Supplementary statement:
37 "To clarify my previous statements, I wish to state the
38 following concerning the pace of deforestation in the
39 province of Guanacaste, Costa Rica, over the past century.
41 "Only the central part of Guanacaste, indicated on the map
42 by arrow No. 2" -- that is the map behind this document
43 -- "was deforested between 50 and 100 years ago and is
44 regarded as traditional cattle country. The rest of the
45 region was deforested after 1940.
47 The southern part of Guanacaste, indicated by arrow No. 3,
48 was deforested between 1940 and 1961; and the northern
49 part, indicated by arrow No. 1, was deforested between 1961
50 and 1983.
52 While I am not in a position to put a percentage figure on
53 the amount of post-1940 deforestation which was due to
54 cattle expansion, there is no doubt that some of this later
55 deforestation in the region was due to conversion of forest
56 to pasture. At any rate, it would certainly be incorrect
57 to state that all beef purchased from Guanacaste
58 necessarily comes from traditional cattle country. Some of
59 it, especially if it comes from the northern part of the
60 region, may have come from pasture land that was deforested