Day 239 - 23 Apr 96 - Page 26

     1        state specifically?
     2        A.   Yes, OK.
     4   Q.   Identifying any areas which traditionally have had or still
     5        have moist forest and tropical rainforest?
     6        A.   Sure.  I suppose the cerrado in Goias could be
     7        described as fairly representative of cerrado elsewhere in
     8        that it incorporates a great range of vegetation types
     9        again.  The area I know best there is a low forest; the
    10        trees are sort of thirty foot, thereabouts, often quite a
    11        thorny area; high in biodiversity; a lot of butterflies.
    13   Q.   Where is this area?
    14        A.   We are talking about -- I am talking about in Goias in
    15        -- it is towards the south of Goias.  You see, there is
    16        one area called Parque Nacional de Brazilia and I have been
    17        in that and that is quite representative.  Then I have been
    18        a little north of that as well.
    20        In all cases, you do get this range.  You get extremes with
    21        higher forest around them; trees maybe sixty or seventy
    22        feet; very rich in wildlife that you can see, with a lot of
    23        small parrots, for example.  It is a little north of there
    24        that the last species of macaws -- I think he still lives
    25        there to this day.  I think he is meant to be the last of
    26        its species left -----
    28   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  This is absolutely fascinating.  I am
    29        interested in parrots but not for the purposes of this
    30        case.
    31        A.   Sure, sure, OK.  Now, of course, as you go further
    32        north you will get more of a mixture of higher forest and
    33        what you will see, if you go northwest from there, in the
    34        area particularly that we pointed out earlier around Sinop,
    35        you see the letters ON there which, on the key, says
    36        "Floresta Ombrofila", canopy forest, or "Floresta
    37        Estacional", which is seasonal forest.  That is, I think,
    38        what ordinary people would recognize as rainforest because
    39        it is -- it has got this more or less continuous canopy.  I
    40        am pointing, my Lord, to the area really all around Sinop
    41        itself, the purplish grey, bluish area -- bluish grey, I
    42        suppose -- area all around Sinop where it says, "ON" in
    43        purple brown letters on it and that, on the key, as I
    44        pointed out, stands for canopy forest here, if I am correct
    45        there -- yes, that is right, canopy forest or seasonal
    46        forest.
    48        I think that could fairly be regarded as an extension of
    49        the mass of the rainforest, the bulk of the rainforest.
    50        Now, clearly, this area has been heavily eroded by 
    51        agricultural activities of one kind or another, but what 
    52        there should be in places like this are what are called 50 
    53        percent stamps.  Now, on ranches in Brazil -----
    55   Q.   This is the area around Sinop?
    56        A.   Yes, sorry -- I beg your pardon, I am moving around --
    57        I am talking about the area around Sinop.  On ranches in
    58        Brazil, when you establish a ranch you are supposed to
    59        leave a 50 percent reserve of the woodland that was there
    60        before, or the forest that was there before, and only

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