Day 239 - 23 Apr 96 - Page 23
1 what I want to know.
3 MR. MORRIS: I might have to lead a little bit just to -----
5 MR. JUSTICE BELL: You might have to, but I think that might be
6 more productive. Even if the answer to that is that has
7 not been what anyone would call rainforest for some
8 considerable period of time, you have got your knock-on
9 effect argument or ripple effect argument. All this is
10 without prejudice to the ruling I made back in July of last
11 year because, as I have said, I am not inclined to restrict
12 you while you have Mr. Monbiot in the witness box.
14 So, what I suggest is I will break off until noon and I do
15 urge you to really carry on from that point because I am
16 the judge and what I am interested in is likely to help the
17 case.
19 (Short adjournment)
21 MR. MORRIS: If we just get a copy of the map that was served a
22 couple of days ago from James Cotter which shows his extent
23 of the rainforest, tropical rainforest.
25 MR. RAMPTON: My Lord, I wonder whether I might intervene here?
27 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Just pause a minute, Mr. Morris.
29 MR. RAMPTON: I have, last night, marked on that map what, as
30 accurate as I could by reference to the vegetation map and
31 the scale on there, the locations of Sinop, Nova Xavantina
32 and Pontas e Lacerda. Whether your Lordship would think it
33 appropriate for everybody to have a copy of that I do not
34 know. It is as accurate as I can be. It may be proved
35 later on that it is not as accurate as it should be, but it
36 is a very small scale map this. I could do it in
37 cross-examination. It may save time now.
39 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I think so. It might be very helpful at this
40 stage.
42 MR. MORRIS: If I could just have a look at it. (Same handed).
44 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Let Mr. Morris see it. If he wants to use
45 it, fair enough; otherwise put it to whatever use you wish
46 in cross-examination.
48 THE WITNESS: I wonder if it would help the court if I said
49 something about the vegetation around Sinop?
51 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Just pause for a moment.
53 MR. MORRIS: It might be helpful, but I want -- I mean, yes, OK;
54 if we can give one to the witness. We might as well. I
55 not sure if Mr. Rampton's is accurate but, anyway, we have
56 got a map.
58 Now, this is the map done by Doctor Cotter of Austin,
59 Texas, and deforestation of Latin America's near tropical,
60 tropical rainforests and the black is that which was