Day 196 - 06 Dec 95 - Page 20

     1        were they just one of many?
     2        A.  They were mostly taken up, half the meetings, half of
     3        it would normally be on some sort of procedure issue or
     4        something like that, with the other half being on ways of
     5        improving the costs, beating the costs, crossing ideas,
     6        other people saying, well, I get such a rate, how do you do
     7        this, where someone will say, well, I have got really good
     8        paper costs because I do not put, say, tray liners on the
     9        tray, and that type of thing.  Then it would be used as a
    10        whole regional course of action to see if we could all get
    11        the same sorts of savings.
    13   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   Did you ever work for McDonald's in any
    14        other area, even just for a day or two or a week?
    15        A.  I did one week at the Lowestoft store.
    17   Q.   That was a different area altogether?
    18        A.  It was in the same area, but I worked there as a
    19        trainee Manager, as a relief for one week, and the odd day
    20        of relief at Bury St. Edmunds a couple of times, but most
    21        of my time was at the Colchester store.
    23   Q.   Do you mean the same area or the same region?
    24        A.  It was in the same area, the Lowestoft store was.
    26   MR. MORRIS:  Was it one of the stores Mark Davies had?
    27        A.  At that time Mark Davies was still the Store Manager of
    28        Colchester, but he was my Manager and I was Assistant
    29        Manager when I worked there, so it was prior to him being
    30        promoted.
    32   Q.   Was it under Frank Stanton's area of responsibility?  If
    33        you do not know just say so.
    34        A.  I believe it was under Martin Holloway which was the
    35        Supervisor previous to that time.
    37   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  So you never worked outside the area at the
    38        time when you say these cost cutting devices were being
    39        carried on at Colchester?
    40        A.  I was quite unique in that. I think most people did
    41        tend to move about, but for personal reasons I was quite
    42        unique in the fact that I stayed at the same store for my
    43        whole career.
    45   MR. MORRIS:  In the bottom of that page you talk about
    46        compensating your store for another store which failed to
    47        achieve sometimes.  How did that come about, that
    48        situation?
    49        A.  It could actually work two ways.  If, for example, you
    50        were doing particularly well and another store was 
    51        struggling, there were ways of possibly -- what you would 
    52        do is certain items would be credited to the other store to 
    53        help with their costs or vice versa, so you could
    54        actually ----
    56   Q.   What does it matters to you what is happening at another
    57        store?
    58        A.  Say a Supervisor would have three stores, so obviously
    59        it was in his interests that all his stores were doing
    60        well, so if you ----

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