Day 189 - 20 Nov 95 - Page 20

     1        A.  It is, yes.  They are photocopied on to two sheets, but
     2        there are three pages of the original -----
     4   Q.   Letter?
     5        A.  Yes.
     7   Q.   The one below that, what is that dated?
     8        A.  2/7.
    10   Q.   1993?
    11        A.  Yes.
    13   Q.   That is two pages, is it?
    14        A.  Yes.
    16   Q.   Let me just read it out, and then see if you agree with
    17        that statement as evidence:
    19        "Speaking from my own experience, I was involved in an
    20        industrial dispute for trade union recognition here in
    21        Dublin.  The dispute lasted seven months, which alone is a
    22        sign of the total reluctance of the company to negotiate.
    23        This dispute was in 1979, at which time I was an employee
    24        of McDonald's."
    26   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Can you read the next -- "wages at", and
    27        could you read the next line very slowly?
    29   MR. MORRIS:  OK.
    31   THE WITNESS:  "Wages at that time were pitiful, low, and after a
    32        40 hour week which included" -----
    34   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   No, no.  Just pause a moment.  Mr. Morris
    35        can carry on reading now.  Thank you.
    37   MR. MORRIS:  Just wait to the end, and I will ask you a
    38        question.
    40        " ... and after a 40 hour week which included working late
    41        hours, I received £26 a week into my hand after taxes",
    42        etcetera.
    43        A.  Yes.
    45   Q.   "My wage was 64 pence an hour"?
    46        A.  It was actually 80, but that is kind of more or less
    47        what I ended up with.
    49   Q.   Do you mean that is after tax, then?
    50        A.  Yes, about that, yes, about 64 pence or so. 
    52   Q.   "On return to work, I was subject to a number of 
    53        accusations by management which included being drunk and
    54        loitering with the intent of attempting to steal from a
    55        locker room."
    56        A.  Yes.
    58   Q.   We will come to this a bit later; I just want to read this
    59        in one go.  "After such blatant intimidation, I soon left
    60        the employment there.  In other cases -- two to be

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