Day 189 - 20 Nov 95 - Page 18

     1        should go ahead today, that we have until 2 o'clock,
     2        including in that the lunch break.  That just means that it
     3        does give -- I mean, we want to go through personal stuff
     4        like, you know, his background and things like that.  It
     5        just seems that it would be easier -- if we could have the
     6        lunch break at the same time, it just gives us more time to
     7        sort of get things sorted out.
     9   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  What do you say about that, Mr. Rampton?
    11   MR. RAMPTON:  I do not mind, my Lord.  I was horrified at the
    12        suggestion that we should come back tomorrow, but if it is
    13        2 o'clock rather than 12.30, I have no objection.
    15   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  No.  We must finish Mr. Mrozek this afternoon
    16        because there is no way he can possibly give evidence on
    17        the topic which is mentioned in his letters, expanded, even
    18        if it is, to the matters which Mrs. Casey gave evidence on,
    19        which will really last significantly longer than her
    20        evidence lasted.  It is a kindness to the witness, apart
    21        from anything else, to get it over and done with while he
    22        is here today.  I will come back at 2 o'clock and we will
    23        deal with Mr. Mrozek's evidence then.
    25                        (Luncheon adjournment)
    27   MR. MORRIS:  We would like to call our witness, Sean Mrozek.
    29   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.
    32                       SEAN WILLIAM MROZEK, sworn
    33                       Examined by the Defendants
    35   MR. MORRIS:  Could you give the court your full name?
    36        A.  Sean William Mrozek.
    38   Q.   Is that M -----
    39        A.  M-R-O-Z-E-K.
    41   Q.   Do you live in Dublin?
    42        A.  Yes.
    44   Q.   You worked at McDonald's during the 1979 dispute?
    45        A.  Yes, I did, yes.
    47   Q.   In the O'Connell Street store?
    48        A.  Yes -- and I worked, I trained a bit in the
    49        Grafton Street store before.  The O'Connell Street store
    50        had not opened at that stage.  We were the staff selected 
    51        to go down and run the other store, O'Connell Street. 
    53   Q.   Just a little bit of personal history.  Were you, before
    54        you worked at McDonald's, a laboratory technician?
    55        A.  Yes, I was.  I worked for a subsidiary of
    56        General Foods.  They also own Birds and Alpha Birds.  I am
    57        sure you are familiar with them here.
    59   Q.   While we are on that, do you remember what your wages were
    60        approximately -- take home pay?

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