Day 182 - 02 Nov 95 - Page 07
2 MR. MORRIS: Right. I was just going to read the whole
3 statement through and get it out of the way, and then deal
4 with particulars matters just as a kind of structure,
5 really.
7 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes. I await with interest to see how you
8 pronounce that word, Mr. Morris!
10 MR. RAMPTON: My Lord, I do not know whether this might be an
11 occasion where it might be better to refrain from reading
12 it out.
14 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I will leave it entirely up to you. Why not
15 take the first paragraph as read, and you can come back and
16 ask about those matters, and then just read as much of the
17 rest as you want to -- if, indeed, you want to read any of
18 it at all.
20 MR. MORRIS: Right.
22 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I am quite happy if Mr. Jenssen just averred
23 the truth of it.
25 MR. MORRIS: (To the witness): I will just ask you about the
26 first paragraph, then.
28 Since December 1993 you have been the head union
29 representative of McDonald's of the store that you work in;
30 is that correct?
31 A. That is correct, when this was written. I am now not
32 the head representative any more. I am just one of the
33 four representatives; that is since March this year.
35 Q. They are elected representatives by the union members?
36 A. Yes, by the union members.
38 Q. You are also a representative in the section of the HRAF
39 union, which has some 1,300 members in the Oslo area in,
40 I believe it is, the catering section; is that correct?
41 A. Yes; that is the section that does not cover cooks or
42 waiters; any other employee in the business except cooks or
43 waiters.
45 Q. Right. So it is fast food?
46 A. Fast food or maids, anything like that.
48 Q. Hotels.
50 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Could you tell me what -- I have got "hotel
51 and", is it -----
52 A. Yes -- restaurant personnel.
54 MR. JUSTICE BELL: What does the long word mean in English, so
55 far as you -----
57 MR. MORRIS: Restaurant personnel, I think, is it?
58 A. Restaurant personnel.
60 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Then what is the last word there?