Day 173 - 16 Oct 95 - Page 05
1 November 1979)"; and then it reads on: "....or any of my
2 staff to negotiate with the union", etcetera.
4 Then, finally, on page 12, top paragraph 39, Mr. Mehigan
5 has stated: "The cases in McCann and Brian were the first
6 occasions the Company had cause to agree to go to the
7 Rights Commissioner." Mr. Mehigan would like to add this:
8 strike out the full stop and replace it with a comma.
9 I will read it quickly and then again slowly. "....although
10 I do have some recollection that Anne Holmes made a
11 successful application to the Rights Commissioner in late
12 1979 or early 1980." I will read that again. After
13 "Commissioner", comma, "....although I do have some
14 recollection that Anne Holmes made a successful application
15 to the Rights Commissioner in late 1979 or early 1980."
19 MR. RAMPTON: The only other thing I should mention -- and this
20 is to help everybody's memory in case anyone is looking for
21 it -- the Pantry Franchise franchise agreement which
22 Mr. Mehigan entered into on Pantry Franchise's behalf with
23 the McDonald's Corporation is at Appendix A behind
24 Mr. Stein's statement, second statement, which is at tab 5
25 of yellow volume X.
27 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes. I had one query. Item 53 on page 22 of
28 the abstract has a paragraph "Dublin 1978, 85p (Irish) per
29 hour". Without looking back into the pleadings bundle,
30 I was not clear just what all the rates which appear there
31 are. They are under a title on page 21 "Minimum Prescribed
32 Rates", and I just wanted to ascertain whether they are all
33 rates which are said to be the minimum allowable rate by
34 law in the countries in question.
36 MR. RAMPTON: My Lord, that would probably mean going back to an
37 earlier pleading.
39 MR. JUSTICE BELL: It probably would. I do not need the answer
40 now, but if someone could just save me the time of going
41 all the way through the pleadings bundle to try and find
42 it.
44 MR. RAMPTON: Probably in answer to a request for particulars,
45 I should think. We will certainly check that. I do not
46 have that answer at my fingertips.
48 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Rates from various countries.
50 MR. RAMPTON: Yes.
52 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I am assuming at the moment that it is said
53 those were the minimum rates allowed by law. But in case
54 I am wrong, I would like it to be -----
56 MR. RAMPTON: So far as Dublin is concerned, I think that is
57 right. But Mr. Mehigan can confirm or correct that, as the
58 case may be.
60 Mr. Mehigan, would you transfer yourself to the witness