Day 173 - 16 Oct 95 - Page 02
1 Monday, 16th October, 1995
3 MR. MORRIS: Just a couple of things before we get on to
4 Mr. Mehigan. There is a couple of supplementary
5 statements.
7 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I have one in relation to Mr. Whittle.
9 MR. MORRIS: Did that come out clearly enough?
11 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes, it did.
13 MR. MORRIS: The other one, I am not sure I faxed it through.
14 It is basically a cover statement from Mr. Michael Soriano
15 from Chicago, explaining why he sent the documents he sent
16 and verifying them.
18 MR. JUSTICE BELL: What shall I do with that?
20 MR. MORRIS: The Soriano one should go at the front, really, of
21 his statements.
23 MR. JUSTICE BELL: But I cannot remember what I was supposed to
24 do with those.
26 MR. MORRIS: They should be filed in our bundle of statements.
27 I presumed they were.
29 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I have them in a bundle which has on top of
30 it, in your handwriting, "Defendants' documents and
31 statements served 25th September 1995".
33 MR. MORRIS: Right.
35 MR. JUSTICE BELL: That is to go in blue II, B18, is it?
36 I see. It is just that I have not put them away yet. So
37 what I will do is, I will put that statement -- unless
38 Mr. Rampton has anything to say.
40 MR. RAMPTON: I have been handed over in the course of the last
41 couple of minutes a number of new statements, which
42 Mr. Morris seems to assume automatically form part of his
43 case. I have not taken objection and would not take
44 objection to supplementary statements by people who already
45 exist, but I certainly would want to think -- I have not
46 done it yet, as I have not read them -- whether I take
47 objection to the late service (as it obviously is), as it
48 would be my case, the late service of additional witnesses
49 simply on the basis that they are running out of time on
50 employment. We have nearly finished our case now on
51 employment, and I want to find out whether it provides us
52 with an opportunity to answer what is now said. So I do
53 not mind where your Lordship puts them. But Mr. Morris and
54 Ms. Steel should not assume that just because they go into
55 a blue bundle that means I accept that they form part of
56 the case.
58 MR. JUSTICE BELL: There was something I wanted to say about that
59 before we started. I will put Michael Soriano in front of
60 his affidavit in due course, stow that away in pale blue