Day 153 - 12 Jul 95 - Page 21

     1        A.  You would want to -- well, it might not necessarily be
     2        the yields, or the specific yields, that we looked at.
     4   Q.   The yields in terms of how much of an actual product you
     5        were selling to the public, compared to how much you were
     6        bringing in through the back door?
     7        A.  Yes.  We would like to investigate the area where the
     8        problem was and see what the problem was and do something
     9        about the problem.
    11   Q.   To increase the amount that you were selling of a
    12        particular product from each box or each carton?
    13        A.  Within the Company stipulated ranges, yes.
    15   Q.   Was there also a target of the amount of sauces used per
    16        McNuggetts that were sold or per burgers that were sold?
    17        A.  There was a yield range for ketchup, a yield range for
    18        mustard.  The sauces with the Nuggetts was a bit different,
    19        because you gave out one sauce for six Nuggetts.
    21   Q.   One packet?
    22        A.  That was fairly obvious what the yield was for that.
    23        There was a ketchup yield, a mustard yield, a shake yield
    24        and a beverage yield.
    26   Q.   And that was per burger that was sold?
    27        A.  It would vary, according to the product.  For instance,
    28        I remember that the shake yield was 18.6 to 19 servings of
    29        shakes per gallon of raw mix.
    31   Q.   What about the amount of ketchup used?
    32        A.  There was a yield for that.  I cannot recall what the
    33        yield was at the time.
    35   Q.   But it was per the amount of burgers that you sold?
    36        A.  Yes.
    38   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I think it is important to know just how the
    39        mix was made here.
    40        A.  Right.
    42   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Do you want me to ask about it, or are you
    43        going to?
    45   MS. STEEL:  OK.
    47   MR. JUSTICE BELL (To the witness):  In what form did the ketchup
    48        come into the store?
    49        A.  The ketchup came in polystyrene four litre canisters in
    50        a box, four to a box. 
    52   Q.   Did anything have to be mixed with it before it was used? 
    53        A.  No.  All there was then, you took the container out and
    54        poured it into the ketchup dispenser; and similar with the
    55        shake mix.
    57   Q.   The same with the shake mix; and the same with the mustard?
    58        A.  Same with the mustard, yes.
    60   Q.   So there was no question of mixing water with them as part

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