Day 153 - 12 Jul 95 - Page 03
1 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I will suppose that I will not be given a
2 letter to go in my correspondence bundle unless you have a
3 copy of it or Mrs. Brindley-Codd tells you in advance that
4 she is going to send it to me.
6 I should say that I am not going to scour the
7 correspondence bundle unless people draw my attention to
8 something in it, because the correspondence is not evidence
9 in itself. If it is thought to have relevance to a point,
10 either party can refer me to it.
12 I am merely keeping the correspondence bundle, because
13 otherwise I would be knee deep in bits of loose paper.
15 Who is going to start Mr. Davis's cross-examination?
17 MR. MARK DAVIS, recalled
18 Cross-examined by the Defendants, continued
20 MR. MORRIS: I am just clearing the decks. Just one thing to
21 start off with: you said that you are the Ops Manager for
22 about 35 stores now?
23 A. That is correct.
25 Q. And you have five supervisors underneath you?
26 A. Yes.
28 Q. You said they have five or six stores each. They would
29 have seven stores each, would they not, approximately?
30 A. Five, six or seven, yes.
32 Q. That would be seven, would it not, if it is 35 stores and
33 five supervisors?
35 MR. JUSTICE BELL: If they have the same number each.
37 THE WITNESS: One of them -- there is are three restaurants
38 that are not being looked after by anybody, sort of
39 reporting directly to me at the moment, because she is on
40 maternity leave. So, effectively, I have five supervisors
41 reporting to me.
43 MR. MORRIS: Covering which -----
44 A. There is one who has got eight.
46 Q. But the average would be about seven?
47 A. Yes.
49 Q. Right.
50 A. One of the restaurants only opened last week and two of
51 the others only opened in the last month. So, yes, you are
52 probably right.
54 MR. MORRIS: I would like to get your first statement out,
55 please.
57 MR. JUSTICE BELL: It is yellow volume X, Mr. Davis, tab 33.
59 THE WITNESS: Thank you.