Day 152 - 11 Jul 95 - Page 19
1 got 70 part-timers altogether, and I forget how many you
2 knocked off those for ----
3 A. About 7.
5 MS. STEEL: 8.
7 MR. JUSTICE BELL: About 8. So you have 52 left, and they are
8 therefore working on average ----
10 MS. STEEL: 62 left.
14 MS. STEEL: Yes.
16 MR. JUSTICE BELL: They are working on average right across the
17 board about five and a half hours a week?
18 A. Right. Well, yes.
20 Q. And what Ms. Steel -- this is not the way she approached it
21 -- is saying it sounds as if something has gone wrong
22 somewhere?
23 A. Well, no. I mean, that is where I would again go back
24 that if I was looking for those part-timers only to work
25 either a Saturday or a Sunday, then six hours on that
26 Saturday and Sunday is probably not too far off my
27 recollection. So the 25 people working a six hour shift,
28 there are going balances obviously, a five hour shift
29 versus an eight hour shift; again, depending upon their
30 availability.
32 MS. STEEL: Some of them working 20 hour shifts as well, though?
33 A. No, no. That is what I am saying, to break it up into
34 such clear bands, either 39 or whatever, I am saying that
35 in terms of six hours availability, in order to make sure
36 that I am fairly comfortable with these levels it would
37 probably mean, retrospectively, that I could easily account
38 for a hundred on the payroll, allowing for the individual
39 availabilities and some people being away.
41 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Let us go a bit further. If you take off the
42 850 full-time hours you have 340 left?
43 A. Right, on a Saturday and Sunday.
45 Q. What?
46 A. You said the Saturday and Sunday hours.
48 Q. No, this is the whole week. You have 1,190 hours in the
49 week, if Ms. Steel's sums are right.
50 A. Right, OK. Sorry, yes, adding ----
52 Q. You take off the 850 full-time hours and you have 34 ----
54 MR. MORRIS: 340.
56 MR. JUSTICE BELL: 340 part-time hours?
57 A. Yes.
59 Q. Spread over 62 part-timers on your payroll?
60 A. Right.