Day 152 - 11 Jul 95 - Page 16
1 A. Once again, it is my experience that obviously the
2 restaurant is open and trading and there are people there.
3 So there is no formula to suggest how many people should
4 come in there.
6 Q. I thought you were trying to explain a formula when you
7 started.
8 A. Sorry, no.
10 Q. As a result of my questions we may well have wasted the
11 last 10 minutes. You carry on with your cross-examination.
13 MS. STEEL: The 100 people on the payroll, that was in an
14 average period; you were not talking about Christmas or
15 whatever when you were saying there were 100 people on the
16 payroll?
17 A. It is about average, certainly, yes.
19 Q. So that would be for most of the year you had a payroll of
20 100 people?
21 A. Yes.
23 Q. Then at specific times of the year you took on extra staff
24 for Christmas, or whatever?
25 A. Yes. Although, as I mentioned beforehand, some people
26 who were only available on the Saturday and Sunday during
27 term time would be available during holiday, so the actual
28 numbers may not rise significantly. But, yes, I think,
29 from my recollection, I probably would have to take on some
30 students, I think it was, during summer time -- during,
31 excuse me, Christmas.
33 Q. OK. You say you have to have 26 full-time people?
34 A. This was suggested to me that, yes, 26 would be a fair
35 number.
37 Q. If they work 39 hours a week?
38 A. Right.
40 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Have you taken off the two for holidays or
41 not?
43 MS. STEEL: He said that was how many people he needed to work
44 that week.
46 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Is that what you are saying, all you need is
47 26 on the payroll, full-timers?
48 A. We would need 26 people in order to cover these shifts.
50 MS. STEEL: Right. You have 26 people working 39 hours a week,
51 that is 1,014 hours?
52 A. I have to stand by your calculations -- I have nothing
53 up here.
55 Q. The total number of hours, according to what you have said
56 today and the other day, is 1,189 hours; so that would only
57 leave 175 hours to be shared out between the part-timers?
58 A. Sorry, 26 x 30, right, OK, but let me help you a little
59 bit. When I took this away last night, one of the ways
60 I would look in terms of to see whether or not I was