Day 151 - 10 Jul 95 - Page 02
1 Monday, 10th July, 1995
4 Cross-examination by the Defendants, continued
6 MR. MORRIS: The first thing I want to do is serve a
7 supplementary statement from Michael Logan, who is one of
8 our witnesses. (Handed)
10 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Unless I hear anything to the contrary,
11 I will put that in the appropriate place in pale blue II,
12 behind his statement.
14 MR. MORRIS: Yes. The other thing is that, on Friday, we are
15 going to be making a submission regarding the transcripts,
16 and Monday has been set aside a day or a day and a half for
17 legal submissions to do with amendments, mainly to do with
18 amendments, and the nutrition issue. We are not sure that
19 we are going to have enough time to prepare our skeleton
20 argument by Monday. So we are asking that we can have the
21 legal day and a half starting on Tuesday, to give us that
22 extra time.
24 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I have no objection to that. If I may say
25 so, I think you should concentrate on your application for
26 leave to amend, because it is important that that is
27 decided. I will listen to what you have to say about
28 nutrition. I may put you on terms to time about what you
29 have to say about nutrition, certainly if you want the
30 argument this term; and I will obviously read any skeleton
31 argument. But I do not want to give you any encouragement
32 about striking out anything in the case at this stage,
33 particularly when we have heard quite a lot of evidence
34 about it, because I do not think I am prejudging the matter
35 if I say that, whatever the topic is, I am resistant about
36 that. There is a lot to be said about all the relevant
37 evidence and making a final decision on it as part of my
38 final judgment.
40 MR. MORRIS: I appreciate that.
42 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I say that about the nutrition aspect. So if
43 you are short of time, what I suggest you concentrate on is
44 getting ready on the amendment.
46 MR. MORRIS: I think an extra period would help with that, in
47 any event.
49 MR. JUSTICE BELL: My objective, as I said before, is to be able
50 to give a ruling on any applications you make next week at
51 the beginning of the week after; that is, before we go away
52 for the vacation. So, subject to having time for that,
53 whether it is Monday or Tuesday makes no difference to me.
54 In any event, we will have to see what the position is with
55 the witness who is in the witness box, when he or she is
56 likely to end, and so on.
58 MR. MORRIS: Yes.