Day 145 - 29 Jun 95 - Page 12

     2   Q.   It is just that if you turn to page 349 ---
     3        A.  Sure.
     5   Q.   -- under "Declining Performance", it says:  "It is our hope
     6        that you will be very successful at McDonald's.  However,
     7        should you be rated 'needs improvement'" -----
     8        A.  Would you slow down just a little bit?
    10   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.  We have got the performance categories
    11        on 348 running into 349.  Then Ms. Steel is reading the
    12        paragraph next to "Declining Performance" on 349.
    13        A.  I now have it, my Lord.
    15   MS. STEEL:  "However, should you be rated 'needs improvement' or
    16        'unsatisfactory' you made be placed on a documented
    17        performance improvement programme which gives special
    18        attention to declining performance through a goal setting
    19        process."   Is that the same as for crew?
    20        A.  Excuse me?
    22   Q.   Is that what is used for crew?
    23        A.  Yes, it would be a very similar process.  What is
    24        written here is what I was trying to articulate a few
    25        moments ago.  This does a better job than my articulation.
    27   Q.  "This programme will monitor your progress through periodic
    28        reviews.  Should your performance fail to improve to a
    29        level of 'good' or 'better', your employment could be
    30        terminated.  This programme does not apply to officers,
    31        directors and Department Heads."   Why is that officers,
    32        directors and Department Heads, you do not have the same
    33        expectation that they should have to come up to scratch?
    35   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Why do you say that?  This programme does not
    36        apply to officers, directors or Department Heads, but
    37        I have no information about whether another one does or
    38        anything of that kind.  You have jumped straight to the
    39        assumption, which may be correct, but I do not know, that
    40        there is no similar programme in relation to them.  Why not
    41        ask if there is?
    43   MS. STEEL:  Mr. Stein can say if he thinks there is.
    44        A.  My Lord, I can help.  At the higher levels we expect
    45        continuous high performance and we do not go through as
    46        many steps as appears here.  This is done for folks below
    47        the levels indicated here, that people who are generally
    48        developing and you want to give them every opportunity to
    49        succeed.
    51        When you reach the higher levels you have already 
    52        demonstrated you are capable of doing it.  If suddenly 
    53        there is a significant drop in performance, there is not
    54        the need to go through all of these steps in a long process
    55        of continuous improvement.  So, essentially, if you will,
    56        myself in this group, are held to a higher standard of
    57        performance than others.
    59   Q.   You do not think it would be a good idea to have a similar
    60        kind of thing to set a so-called good example to the crew?

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