Day 145 - 29 Jun 95 - Page 09

     1   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Which document did you want?
     3   MS. STEEL:   Can I ask about tab 8, please?  On page 344 of this
     4        document it says:  "This handbook is for full-time staff
     5        and salaried management employees of McDonald's Corporation
     6        who are based in the United States"?
     7        A.  Mmm.
     9   Q.   Where it says "full-time staff", that is not referring to
    10        crew that work?
    11        A.  It is referring to some crew people, as you define it.
    13   Q.   It does refer to some crew, does it?
    14        A.  Sure.
    16   Q.   when you take your employees on, do you actually categorise
    17        them as full-time and part-time, or is it solely done based
    18        on -- it depends on how many hours they work ---
    19        A.  Generally speaking -----
    21   Q.   -- during a particular week?
    22        A.  No.  Generally speaking, there is an understanding
    23        between the employee and the Manager on whether or not they
    24        are going to be full-time or part-time.
    26   Q.   So this Handbook could be given to all crew who were
    27        categorised when they were taken on as full-time?
    28        A.  Well, I would hope so.
    30   Q.   Is this the only document there is about benefit plans and
    31        policies?
    32        A.  You know, I do not know when this Handbook came out.
    33        I do not see it.
    35   Q.   It says on the front cover, 1st January 1992?
    36        A.  OK.  Usually, there are -- these are redone every
    37        couple of years, kind of thing, things change.
    39   Q.   What I mean is, is there one for part-time crew?
    40        A.  The Handbook?
    42   Q.   The Crew Handbook, that is.
    43        A.  That is correct.
    45   Q.   When you were talking about profit sharing in your
    46        evidence-in-chief, I think you said it could apply to
    47        people who work 20 hours a week for a year?
    48        A.  That is correct.
    50   Q.   They would be part-time crew, would they not? 
    51        A.  That is correct. 
    53   Q.   There is nothing about profit sharing in the Crew Handbook,
    54        is there?
    55        A.  You know, my memory, I cannot recall.
    57   Q.   You can check if you want?
    58        A.  If you are saying it is not in there, it is not in
    59        there, but I can tell you there are communications to our
    60        crew.  There are quarterly statements to our crew.  There

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