Day 139 - 21 Jun 95 - Page 28
1 that are cited here, my Lord, had nothing to do with
2 Chicken McNuggetts whatsoever.
4 Q. No. So there are seven pre-inspection reports which find
5 something which needs correcting over a six month period at
6 the Nashville plant, and they range from finding maggots in
7 places and dead flies in places, to this unfortunate single
8 dead fly on the table in the giblets packing area.
10 MR. MORRIS: You said you were not interested in anything apart
11 from Human Resources matters, did you not, before?
12 A. Part of Human Resources and the National Labour
13 Relations Board are secondary boycotts, Mr. Morris. I think
14 I articulated very well in the last couple of days that
15 I also have some expertise in the secondary boycott area
16 and am called upon to deal with those kind of issues.
18 Q. How long did you spend in that dispute? I think you may
19 have said. Do you remember how long it was?
20 A. It lasted several months. I want to say it lasted
21 close to a year, from start to finish; and I would have
22 personally spent, if it was a year, I would have personally
23 spent probably 70 per cent, maybe more, of my time, trying
24 to solve this problem -- maybe 80 per cent. This had to do
25 with one of our key products and secondary boycotting of
26 them.
28 MR. MORRIS: I will just see if I have any more questions on
29 that point.
31 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes. (Pause)
33 MR. MORRIS: The union around that time, you said that they were
34 the sort of union that would be interested in McDonald's
35 workers, as well?
36 A. Yes.
38 Q. And they were leafleting a number of McDonald's stores
39 about their own dispute?
40 A. That is correct.
42 Q. And mailing out hundreds of thousands of -----
43 A. Yes.
45 Q. At that time, you were Head of Human Resources, were you?
46 A. Yes.
48 Q. The reason you were down there, were you not, was because
49 you were worried that the union activity around your stores
50 might influence your workers?
51 A. Not at all.
53 Q. You spent 80 per cent of your time for an entire year, as
54 Head of Human Resources, concerned with the conditions (as
55 you should be) for a whole year about hundreds of thousands
56 of McDonald's workers; you spent 80 per cent of your time
57 that year, 1983, around one particular dispute which was
58 not even -- well, one particular dispute about a product?
59 A. A product that -----