Day 139 - 21 Jun 95 - Page 21
1 Q. But like what?
2 A. That McDonald's was unfair -----
4 Q. With its labour practices?
5 A. Everything. Anything they could find fault with, they
6 were trying to influence the community.
8 Q. Wages?
9 A. Wages was not a big issue. It was an issue, but it was
10 not something they dwelled on.
12 Q. So they were criticising you on environment/index.html">litter, things like that?
13 A. Yes. As I mentioned, they criticised us on anything
14 and everything they could think of.
16 Q. The main thing was the lack of union representation and
17 rights?
18 A. They wanted to represent the employees, yes.
20 Q. That was the main publicity and reason for the dispute?
21 A. That was one of the things that they publicised.
23 Q. Was it the main thing?
24 A. I would say they would focus on it a lot, but I cannot
25 say it was the main thing.
27 Q. Is there something else that sticks in your head as
28 being -----
30 MR. JUSTICE BELL: What other things do you remember? In what
31 other respects were they critical of McDonald's in
32 their -----
33 A. They were critical of our food; they were critical of
34 our charitable work that we did in the community; every
35 good thing we had done in the community they were critical
36 of and said we either should have done it better or it was
37 for reasons other than why it was done; anything and
38 everything. They tried to build an image of McDonald's,
39 our negativism.
41 MS. STEEL: But the focus was on unions, in any event?
42 A. Focus was on their union, and not unions in general.
43 If you are asking me about unions and focus, they were not
44 talking about other unions, they were talking about
45 themselves.
47 Q. How long was this going on for?
48 A. Four months, five months.
50 Q. Were you involved over the whole of that time?
51 A. Yes.
53 Q. Initially -----
54 A. Let me correct one thing. I believe that their
55 organising activity had been well underway before the
56 operator or I ever became aware of it, so I cannot tell you
57 the entire scope of time that they were involved with it,
58 because it appeared, when we got to the NLRB hearing, that
59 they had been working at this for some time.