Day 139 - 21 Jun 95 - Page 19
1 81/82, or something like that?
2 A. I cannot say that. It is available for anyone who
3 wants to use it. We have a tremendous number of programmes
4 that people can choose. But what I am trying to get at is,
5 it was a very popular in the late 70s and early 80s, and I
6 would imagine it is still used somewhere in the world
7 today, as well as somewhere in the US.
9 Q. It was just a training programme?
10 A. That is correct.
12 Q. Training to use the station?
13 A. That is correct.
15 Q. So it would take quite a long time before most people would
16 be able to join in, would it?
17 A. I am not sure I am following what you are saying.
19 Q. Sorry. As they have completed each station, as they have
20 completed the training on each station, they get a ---
22 MR. JUSTICE BELL: They get a token of token money of some kind?
23 A. Yes. But it may not be on the completion of each
24 station. It may be for doing good work at a particular
25 station. It may be that the store had a particularly good
26 line on a particular day and the person really demonstrated
27 excellence.
29 MS. STEEL: I do not actually know much about bingo, but I do
30 not quite understand how -----
32 MR. JUSTICE BELL: What is the place of McBingo in the case?
34 MS. STEEL: It is about using it as an incentive to dissuade
35 employees from joining the union ---
37 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Why not just put that?
39 MS. STEEL: -- or voting in favour of what the Company wants,
40 rather than ----
42 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Why not put that straight out?
44 MS. STEEL: It just struck me that the description that was
45 given of this did not seem to -- I do not know -- it just
46 sounded like a very strange description.
48 MR. JUSTICE BELL: The sort of question you could ask is if
49 Mr. Stein knows when McBingo was used in relation to
50 Detroit, because if you have a basis upon which he could
51 put it, that along comes the election and, low and behold,
52 McBingo starts being played and the crew are handed out
53 token money and so on during the brew up to the election,
54 I can see the relevance of it. But if we just have a
55 series of questions about McBingo, I do not know where
56 I am.
58 MS. STEEL: Right. (To the witness) How long does it take to
59 play McBingo?
60 A. From start to finish, the training programme would last