Day 139 - 21 Jun 95 - Page 16
1 time?
2 A. The Detroit region would have approximately 250 stores.
4 Q. Is that now?
5 A. Then.
7 Q. Then, about 250 stores. So, of all the stores in America
8 and all the stores in Detroit, it was just a coincidence
9 that Earl Campbell just happened to be going to one of the
10 stores where the staff were not showing interest in joining
11 a union?
12 A. If I might sir, there were athletes from all over the
13 country who visit stores other than their home team.
14 I believe Mr. Campbell had friends. I am not sure where he
15 went to college; I do not know if it was the University of
16 Michigan or not. But I know he had friends in the area.
17 He was very much devoted and dedicated to the charitable
18 causes that were involved; and there were other athletes
19 that visited other stores at that time in the Detroit area
20 who were from the West Coast and from the East Coast.
21 These are people who self-selected themselves because of
22 interest in the charity.
24 MR. JUSTICE BELL: One of the things which was being put to you
25 was -- it might have been implicit in Mr. Morris' questions
26 -- that it was only this store that he went to?
27 A. No. I am sorry, my Lord. He went to several other
28 stores. I misinterpreted the question. He was there
29 touring. He did not spend more than 10 minutes at any one
30 store. I mean, this was not a long kind of thing. He
31 would go from one store to another; and, in his day, he
32 probably would have visited 15 or 20 stores.
34 MR. MORRIS: Do you know which stores he visited?
35 A. Yes, because I was with him much of that time.
37 Q. Did he make a speech at each one?
38 A. He did not make a speech. Like a lot of other
39 athletes, he is a hero. People recognise him immediately.
40 They rush up to him, want to shake his hand, they want to
41 take photographs with him. If he said more than a handful
42 of words at any time, that would be a lot.
44 Q. How long was he in Detroit for on behalf of McDonald's?
45 A. He spent three days touring stores.
47 Q. It must have had quite an effect on McDonald's workers,
48 then, in the Detroit area?
49 A. I think people like to see -- I think customers --
50 I was kind of interested, myself. I mean, you like seeing
51 other people who have some stardom or who you have watched
52 on television.
54 Q. The union organising drive in Detroit was not just focused
55 on three stores, was it?
56 A. Are you talking about the Detroit fast food workers,
57 what they were doing?
59 Q. Yes, at that time, in Detroit?
60 A. They were focusing on our competition; I had received