Day 131 - 06 Jun 95 - Page 45
1 Mr. Fairgrieve from their Marketing Department, that the
2 quick service restaurant sector of the hotel and catering
3 industry would be something like 50 per cent -- sorry,
4 no -- 50 per cent of the meals eaten in the catering
5 sector, hotel and catering sector, in general, would be
6 down to the quick service restaurant sector of that --
7 well, just take my word for it.
8 A. If you say so. It is not something I have any specific
9 knowledge of.
11 Q. But in terms of employment figures, do you happen to know
12 roughly what the percentage of the whole of the hotel and
13 catering industry would be in terms of employment down to
14 the quick service restaurant?
15 A. I have got no idea.
17 Q. In your opinion, the meals volume to staff ratio, would it
18 in general be in the quick service restaurant sector and,
19 certainly for McDonald's, the ratio would be that the
20 actual meals per employee would be much greater in that
21 sense?
23 MR. JUSTICE BELL: It must be, must it not? You are eating a
24 meal in 20 minutes. At what someone has called "a white
25 tablecloth restaurant", it may take you between one and two
26 hours?
27 A. I would have thought so.
29 Q. Does "hotel industry" include people changing beds and
30 things, or is it those who are providing food?
31 A. I am not sure of the basis of the statistic, my Lord.
32 I have not seen the statistics.
34 Q. Would you include in that as well -- chambermaids and
35 doormen?
36 A. I presume these are supposed to be the food industry,
37 catering industry.
39 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Anyway, the answer to your question must be
40 "yes".
42 MR. MORRIS: They are catering workers, but it does not
43 specifically give exact figures. It came up with a
44 two million figure as well. This was 10 years ago. The
45 HSE statistics which you relied upon of 31 per 1,000 in
46 food manufacturing?
47 A. It is in that area, yes.
49 Q. I would say that if the Plaintiffs have access, power,
50 possession or control or influence over that document, it
51 should be disclosed as an expert reference which will help
52 us greatly.
53 A. I believe we are attempting to find the document, even
54 as I speak.
56 Q. Thanks a lot. That is the HSE annual report, and also the
57 HSE Recipe for Safety report?
58 A. Indeed.
60 MR. JUSTICE BELL: If you have a problem with your notes, get