Day 118 - 01 May 95 - Page 07
1 A. "Year to date".
3 MS. STEEL: The wages that you set at McDonald's, the starting
4 rates of pay, are consistently either exactly the same as
5 the minimum rates of pay set by the Wages Council or just a
6 few pence over them, are they not?
7 A. For the provinces.
9 Q. The enhanced rates for Outer and Inner London are because
10 of recruiting difficulties, you said?
11 A. Partly because of recruiting difficulty, also because
12 things are generally more expensive in the London region.
14 Q. So you could not actually pay any lower wages without
15 falling foul of the law?
16 A. To people under -- over 21 years of age, that is right.
18 Q. When wages were set for people under 21 it was also the
19 case that you paid at the minimum or maybe one or two pence
20 above for them as well?
21 A. As a starting wage.
23 Q. Sorry?
24 A. As a starting wage.
26 Q. Turnover at McDonald's is high, is it not?
27 A. No, I do not think so -- not for the industry.
29 Q. How long on average do the workers stay?
30 A. We are talking about hourly paid workers?
32 Q. Yes.
33 A. I think turnover now, although I am not absolutely
34 sure, is down around about 112 (sic) per cent which would
35 indicate that you get a turnover of the total crew in one
36 year.
38 Q. The turnover used to be much higher than that, did it not?
39 A. I think the highest, I think the highest I have ever
40 known it whilst I was in Personnel, was about 182. I think
41 that is the highest I have ever known it.
43 Q. When was that?
44 A. Well, that would be when I took over, late 1984. It
45 has been going down ever since.
47 Q. How does the company keep a check on turnover?
48 A. It is recorded annually off the computer.
50 Q. What records does the company keep of that?
51 A. When you say "keep", what do you mean by that? How
52 long do we keep them?
54 Q. How does it come off the computer?
55 A. On a printer.
57 Q. Yes, but how does the computer work out?
58 A. I have no idea. I am not a computer man.
60 MR. JUSTICE BELL: There is someone else who deals with this?