Day 117 - 27 Apr 95 - Page 07
1 A. So it is additional to their rate of pay.
3 MR. JUSTICE BELL: If they leave before the holiday, they can
4 take the accumulated holiday pay with them?
5 A. On conditions they leave under satisfactory conditions.
7 Q. Yes, but it is just like any other form of employment where
8 your holiday pay accrues?
9 A. That is correct, my Lord.
11 MR. RAMPTON: If they leave, assuming they are not summarily
12 dismissed or anything like that, do they have to give
13 notice?
14 A. Yes, they do.
16 Q. Does that period of notice depend on the length of service?
17 A. It does. It is one week for each complete year of
18 service up to a maximum of three months.
20 Q. How about pensions?
21 A. Not for hourly paid workers.
23 Q. Salaried people get -----
24 A. It is a contributory pension fund; they join it
25 voluntarily.
27 Q. Life insurance?
28 A. Life insurance is paid too. There is a life insurance
29 for crew after one year's service. There is a life
30 insurance for all salaried staff from the day they
31 start ---
33 Q. Stick with the ---
34 A. -- their employment.
36 Q. -- hourly paid for the moment.
37 A. Yes.
39 Q. Is there life insurance which they become entitled to after
40 one year? Is their pay docked for that?
41 A. No, it is paid for by the Company.
43 Q. What about medical care?
44 A. Yes, they have free medical care provided after their
45 third year of service.
47 Q. Again is that a contributory arrangement or what?
48 A. No, it is paid for by the Company.
50 Q. How about help with education?
51 A. Yes. There are basically three schemes to help them
52 with their education.
54 MR. JUSTICE BELL: We are on salaried now?
55 A. No, hourly paid workers.
57 MR. RAMPTON: We are sticking with hourly paid.
59 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Can I just make sure I have understood it?
60 The notice, does that apply to both salaried and hourly