Day 115 - 06 Apr 95 - Page 13

     1        conditions in which those sows farrow their pigs which are
     2        unsatisfactory.
     3        A.  The main conditions are that the sows are expected to
     4        mother and exceptionally large environment/index.html">litter.  They cannot do the
     5        mothering properly because they are being forced into
     6        over-production.  When I have seen other systems --
     7        I mentioned Soil Association systems -- I have seen sows
     8        outside.  They have not had nose rings.  They have had the
     9        right sort of soil that they can turn up so they can use
    10        their noses in the way that they like.  They are actually
    11        housed in straw bale housing which I think is much better.
    13   Q.   I do not know what a straw bale house is, is it an igloo
    14        made of straw bales?
    15        A.  Yes, it is just a just pile of straw bales held down so
    16        they do not blow away.  They are cosy and snug.  They give
    17        the sow a place to rest and keep away from other
    18        influences.  They are fairly well temperature controlled
    19        and they can easily be moved so that the sow can have fresh
    20        land to lie on and use.
    22   Q.   How in any material respect does that differ from
    23        an insulated arc?
    24        A.  It is slightly cosier, it is slightly more friendly,
    25        but certainly an insulated arc is better than the totally
    26        indoor system.
    28   Q.   You used two words, one was "cosy" and the other was
    29        "friendly" -- if ever I have heard anthropomorphic
    30        terminology, it is that -- can you explain what, so far as
    31        a pig is concerned, you mean by "cosy" and "friendly"?
    32        A.  Yes, I do not think there is any anthropomorphic about
    33        it.  I think that animals seek conditions that are warm.
    34        They seek the conditions that are actually set out in the
    35        Five Freedoms where they can rest, where they can go into a
    36        dark place if they want to, where they are kept free from
    37        their predators.  I would call that, if you like,
    38        comfortable.
    40        I used the word "cosy" and you talked about the word
    41        "friendly", you then earlier on told me about peer groups
    42        and was that not a good idea; that is because those animals
    43        are becoming friendly.  There is no doubt that animals form
    44        friends, just as human beings do, so the word is quite
    45        appropriate.
    47   Q.   What, for an igloo, straw igloo?
    48        A.  Friend, no, I was talking about the word "friend".  For
    49        a straw house, straw housing, it is comfortable because it
    50        keeps fairly warm in the cold weather.  It is shadey in the 
    51        summer.  It has soft walls so that they do not cause 
    52        problems and that seemed to me to be a better system than 
    53        I see described by Mr. Bowes.  Of course, it is much less
    54        intensive.
    56   Q.   Why is it less intensive?  I am not following that at all.
    57        A.  Because one does not stop the land so much.  One has a
    58        rotation.  I noticed or I could not find -----
    60   Q.   Sorry, I do not like interrupting you but I want to know

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