Day 114 - 04 Apr 95 - Page 16
1 are differences according to the animal's evolution. Pigs
2 are more like human beings, that if they are stressed they
3 will cry out and make a noise and a fuss. Cattle and other
4 animals of that type, sheep, for instance, are herd
5 animals. Their attitude is that they do not want to show
6 that they are disabled because they will be picked off by
7 their predators. So, they tend to go dull, they tend to be
8 less demonstrative if they are suffering.
10 An animal, for instance, can be lame for a long time, can
11 have mastitis for a long time. You can tell if you look
12 very closely that the animal is dull, is pinched in, but
13 they do not make so much noise up to a certain point as,
14 say, pigs will.
16 So, an animal will be subdued but still be in many ways, if
17 you look at the biochemistry of its blood and so on, will
18 be suffering considerable stress.
20 Q. So, effectively, it does not mean because they are not
21 crying out that they are content with the situation?
22 A. No.
24 Q. Page 31, stunning equipment and its operation. If you can
25 just read to yourself paragraph 23?
26 A. 123?
28 Q. Sorry, 123.
29 A. Yes. Yes, I have read it.
31 Q. It talks about the regulation of equipment being in proper
32 repair and that the people using it are properly trained or
33 able to use it properly.
34 A. Yes.
36 Q. It says at the beginning of 124: ^^ "Whilst we endorse
37 provisions we are not satisfied that they are adequately
38 enforced." What is your view? You will express some
39 concern about the training and also what about the
40 equipment being in proper repair?
41 A. I have observed, just to give an example, electrical
42 equipment where the ammeters and the volt meters did not
43 work and there seemed to be no electrician available to put
44 the equipment into working order. Therefore, there was no
45 indication, for instance, that the electric current was
46 being applied properly.
48 Q. This would not relate to cattle. I am trying to
49 concentrate on cattle at the moment?
50 A. Yes, well, at the moment one does not use electrical
51 stunning or stun kill for cattle.
53 Q. Is there any concern about -----
54 A. There is concern then, if you like, about the captive
55 bolt pistol, that it should be in good working order, that
56 it should be cleaned, it should be greased and so on. If
57 it is not and if the right bullets are not used, well, then
58 the bolt may not penetrate the skull with sufficient force.
60 Q. When you say "if"?