Day 108 - 27 Mar 95 - Page 07

     1        the other invited guest was Professor Colin Spedding who is
     2        the Chairman of the Farm Animal Welfare Council.
     4   Q.   Who invited you to speak at that?
     5        A.  It was organised by ADAS, the Agricultural Development
     6        and Advisory Service which is closely linked to MAFF, of
     7        course.
     9   Q.   Why were you invited?
    10        A.  Well ......
    12   Q.   What input were they seeking?
    13        A.  This was a lively meeting.  In the invitation, I
    14        remember Mr. Bray said that he thought that my presence
    15        would help a lively discussion after the meeting.
    17   Q.   The Norfolk Poultry Discussion Group, is that part of the
    18        Agricultural Development Advisory Service, or is that a
    19        broiler?
    20        A.  No, it is just every area has one of these.
    22   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Who are they set up though?
    23        A.  I do not know.  It might be by ADAS, but it is a
    24        get-together for people in a certain region, I am afraid --
    25        I think it might be organised by ADAS, but I am not sure
    26        about that.
    28   MS. STEEL:  Who are the type of people that would attend?
    29        A.  Well, there were big producers from the area.  There
    30        was a representative from Bernard Matthews and, in fact,
    31        all the poultry -- there were egg producers and poultry
    32        producers, the well-known companies.
    34   Q.   So, it is something of an industry -----
    35        A.  Yes, it was an industry get-together, yes.
    37   Q.   Going back to your experience of poultry, your first-hand
    38        experience, have you visited poultry farms?
    39        A.  I visited a great many laying hen farms, mostly of
    40        which were batteries.  I cannot count the many dozens,
    41        possibly hundreds, over the last -- it is a long time.  Our
    42        campaign has been going for nearly 25 years.
    44   Q.   When you have visited these farms, I believe you have said
    45        already that you purchased chickens from them?
    46        A.  Yes, what we call "spent hens" usually, yes.
    48   Q.   What was the purpose of buying those hens?  Was it to
    49        provide a rescue service or -----
    50        A.  No, because the size of the problem is so massive that 
    51        we have never boasted doing that, but you do learn a great 
    52        deal about the behavioural patterns by presenting the bird 
    53        with what we would call a much more natural environment.
    54        Also it gave us an opportunity to see into the battery
    55        sheds, which basically are closed to the public, and by
    56        approaching the farmer and asking to buy a few spent hens
    57        we have seen into very, very many units.
    59        We have also seen, of course, into units like at
    60        Gleadthorpe, which is the Ministry of Agriculture

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