Day 106 - 23 Mar 95 - Page 04
1 closely with the meat industry and groups of abattoirs.
2 I spent a lot of time in abattoirs over the last two
3 years. Subsequently, also I am taking quite a keen
4 interest in ill-health related to pesticide usage.
6 Q. When you say "pesticide" is that relevant to pesticide
7 residues?
8 A. Indeed so.
10 Q. So you have worked quite extensively with the food
11 industry?
12 A. Yes, the best part of 20 years.
14 Q. You have read the section of the London Greenpeace Fact
15 Sheet which is relevant to this issue?
16 A. Yes.
18 Q. What is your opinion of the statement that meat is
19 responsible for 70 per cent of all food poisoning incidents?
20 A. At the time it was written, with the knowledge
21 available and in the terms written, it was not inaccurate.
22 It reflected the understanding of the situation at the
23 time.
25 Q. Do you want to expand on that?
27 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Let us just see where we are going. You do
28 not have to put his statements or either of them in, but
29 equally well you can do, it is up to you. Equally well,
30 you can ask him if he avers certain paragraphs of his
31 statements and then ask him to elaborate, if you want him
32 to. I have read both of them carefully. I read them again
33 yesterday afternoon, having read them more than once
34 before, but I will only obviously treat them as evidence in
35 so far as they are averred by Mr. North. So, it is a
36 matter for you.
38 The reason I say that at this stage is you asked a very
39 general question and Mr. North has obviously, as anyone
40 does when they actually have to write a statement,
41 I assume, given some care to the words he has used in the
42 statement; whereas you are asking him, as it were, off the
43 top of his head to deal with exactly the same topic
44 verbally from the witness box.
46 MR. MORRIS: Have you a copy of your statement?
47 A. Not in front of me, no.
49 MR. JUSTICE BELL: If you look in pale blue volume down in the
50 very bottom left-hand column, volume 1B. There is a
51 section E right at the back with the No. 1 behind it. That
52 is your original.
54 MR. MORRIS: Put it in front of you. The first one is one
55 headed "Proof of Evidence"?
56 A. Yes.
58 Q. The statistics in paragraphs 4, 5 and 6?
59 A. Yes.