Day 106 - 23 Mar 95 - Page 03

     1        A.  I am a qualified Environmental Health Officer of some
     2        20 years standing; three posts as a Local Authority
     3        Environmental Health Officer, the latter being a Senior
     4        Environmental Health Officer, Food Safety and Health &
     5        Safety; following which about 15 years working for a number
     6        of corporations as their hygiene adviser and latterly as a
     7        postgraduate researcher at Leeds Metropolitan University
     8        working on salmonella.
    10   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, I am having awful difficulty hearing him,
    11        I am afraid.
    13   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Can you keep your voice up?  Can I just ask
    14        you, there is another Richard North whose name seems to be
    15        dropping into the papers recently.  I think he describes
    16        himself as "Richard D. North".  He is obviously an entirely
    17        different person?
    18        A.  My Lord, yes.
    20   Q.   I know he has written a book recently on environmental
    21        matters generally, but it was him who was involved in the
    22        listeria and the Scottish cheese case, was it?
    23        A.  No, it was myself.
    25   MR. MORRIS:  You have also published quite a lot of material, is
    26        that correct, or have done?
    27        A.  Yes.
    29   Q.   Just a brief run through?
    30        A.  Brief, yes -- a number of peer reviewed publications --
    31        you have a list.  I need not elaborate.
    33   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.  I have read the whole of Mr. North's
    34        CV.  If you want me, Mr. Morris, to take that as part of
    35        Mr. North's evidence, I will do so.  By all means draw my
    36        attention to anything you particularly want me to notice,
    37        and then you can decide whether you want to have his proof
    38        of evidence and/or reports of visits read into his
    39        evidence.
    41   MR. MORRIS (To the witness):  As regards the CV that is attached
    42        to your statement, that is a true record of your
    43        qualifications and experience?
    44        A.  Yes, indeed.  I think it is worth adding that I have
    45        completed my PhD study now which was in progress when
    46        I wrote the CV.
    48   Q.   Are there any particular areas of food safety which you
    49        have professionally looked into or researched that may be
    50        relevant to this case? 
    51        A.  Yes, quite a few.  My primary expertise for many, many 
    52        years was catering systems.  I did an enormous amount of 
    53        design and development work in hospital catering and high
    54        technology catering in design and operation of hospital
    55        cook chill systems, which included also fast food type
    56        operations.  Latterly, I have worked for the past five
    57        years very, very closely with the poultry industry mainly,
    58        but not exclusively, with the egg industry.
    60        For the past three years I have been working very, very

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