Day 100 - 09 Mar 95 - Page 35

     1        from the Mac 100, there are only two ways of finding out
     2        that an element has failed, and that is to do a recovery
     3        test or the possible discovery of under-cooked chicken at
     4        peak volume times?
     5        A.  Again, I am not qualified to answer.
     7   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, unless Ms. Steel is using some material
     8        which has recently been disclosed by us, or which she has
     9        and should have been disclosed, I am a bit puzzled why none
    10        of these questions were put to Mr. Atherton who is the
    11        proper person to deal with them.  It seems to me, at the
    12        moment at least, it is a complete waste of Mr. Kenny's
    13        time.
    15   MS. STEEL:  It is based on some information I did not have at
    16        the time Mr. Atherton was in the witness box.
    18   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  No, that is why I asked you if you have a
    19        particular suggestion, put it, because it seems to me it is
    20        something you have probably been given since Mr. Atherton
    21        gave evidence.
    23   MS. STEEL (To the witness):  You, I think, went through the
    24        types of bacteria, pathogenic bacteria, commonly found in
    25        chicken.  You did not mention listeria.  That is fairly
    26        commonly found in chicken, is it not?
    27        A.  Not as far as I am aware.
    29   Q.   You are not aware of that?
    30        A.  It is not commonly found in chicken, no.
    32   Q.   Is that something that you test for?
    33        A.  It is not something that McDonald's tests for.  Whether
    34        Sun Valley test for it randomly, they may well do, but
    35        I would not be surprised if they do not.
    37   Q.   When McDonald's actually make the tests, that is only
    38        occasional checks, is it not?
    39        A.  That is right, yes.
    41   Q.   What are the ones that you check for?
    42        A.  We check for what is in our specifications.
    44   Q.   So for chicken that would just be the TVC?
    45        A.  That is right.
    47   Q.   Apart from Salmonella, what are the other fairly common
    48        pathogenic bacteria found in pork products?
    49        A.  I guess any of the coli form bacterias could possibly
    50        be found in pork products since it is a slaughtered animal. 
    52   Q.   But again with pork when you do your tests you are only 
    53        checking for the TVC?
    54        A.  Yes.  The important thing to remember is it is a raw
    55        product which at a later stage is being cooked.  If we are
    56        purchasing a precooked product that we were not going to
    57        cook later, then naturally we would have to test for
    58        pathogens.
    60   Q.   You said that the meat products arrive frozen with the

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