Day 100 - 09 Mar 95 - Page 33
1 Q. So memos have gone out about beef as well.
2 A. Yes, memos go out all of the time. It is very
3 important that we keep reinforcing the message as we get
4 new restaurant managers and people have been in the
5 business for a while. It is very important to keep
6 reinforcing the issues.
8 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I have forgotten what date the
9 Jack-in-the-box matter was. Can someone help me?
10 A. I am not sure.
12 Q. Was it since Preston?
13 A. Yes, I would say probably a couple of years ago.
15 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I need not be told now -- at some stage.
17 MR. MORRIS: I will just check the details.
19 MS. STEEL: So following the Jack-in-the-box incident, you,
20 McDonald's, circulated reminders, information, to store
21 managers or what?
22 A. It was not a direct result of that. I would say after
23 the Jack-in-the-box incident there was a lot of (and
24 rightly so) a lot of attention paid by McDonald's to the
25 potential hazards on the beef products.
27 Q. What was that attention then?
28 A. Well, it took a number of forms. I was personally
29 involved in a seminar that toured the country and was given
30 to all senior operations people, which was product
31 integrity across the board, which was focused on beef but
32 covered chicken and other products, and we again took that
33 to Ireland as well to the McDonald's community in Ireland.
35 There were a number of -- there were several publications
36 that would have gone out to managers to bring to their
37 attention again the potential hazards. I think it had been
38 introduced into a number of training courses that they have
39 in the training department. They have basic hygiene
40 courses, they have intermediate hygiene courses and they
41 have advanced hygiene courses. These are all for
42 restaurant people.
44 Although these courses are actually recognised by the
45 Institute of Environmental Health, we do bring into it the
46 McDonald's perspective so that the store managers or the
47 training managers, or whoever it is, can relate it directly
48 back to their working life in McDonald's.
50 Q. What were the potential hazards in relation to McDonald's
51 that you were relating to these managers?
52 A. Well, if you do not cook the beef properly, there is a
53 possibility of food poisoning.
55 Q. So, that was basically all you were talking about, was it,
56 the cooking times?
57 A. The message at the end of the day was the one sure
58 control we have in the restaurant over food safety is to
59 make sure we cook the product properly.