Day 100 - 09 Mar 95 - Page 30
1 the burger -- let us talk about burgers, cooking of the
2 burger?
3 A. Yes.
5 Q. At what temperature do you say McDonald's feel that burgers
6 are, effectively, cooked? What is your minimum
7 temperature?
8 A. The temperature that we specify for beef burgers should
9 reach a minimum internal temperature of 70 degrees
10 Centigrade.
12 Q. If it is below that, if you find a burger when you do an
13 internal temperature check, what happens then if you find
14 it is below 70?
15 A. The procedure would be to stop serving off of that
16 grill until you discovered what the problem was.
18 Q. So why would you not carrying on serving those burgers?
19 A. We set standards and that falls below the standard that
20 we set.
22 Q. That is your minimum standard; that is not your necessarily
23 ideal. It is the minimum, yes?
24 A. It is the minimum internal temperature.
26 Q. If you look at this memo would you like to look at the
27 answer over the page, question: "Why do we not check grill
28 calibration on a daily basis?" This is what was
29 introduced, was it not, that you stopped checking
30 calibration on a daily basis, but instead you did the
31 internal temperature checks. This was quite a dramatic
32 change, was it not, the change in procedures?
33 A. I am just trying to think. I am not a restaurant
34 manager. I am just trying to place this in time. Can you
35 let me read the memo first?
37 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes, I think you should.
39 MR. MORRIS: Yes.
40 A. Yes, I have read it.
42 Q. Have you seen that before or you know about that general?
43 A. Yes, I have seen this before.
45 Q. So this was the official company position about ---
46 A. Yes.
48 Q. -- the reasons for the change over?
49 A. Yes.
51 Q. So the official company position in page 2 was that the
52 answer to the question: "Why do we not check grill
53 calibration on a daily by basis?" the third sentence says:
54 "Checking daily grill calibration does not ensure this"?
55 A. Yes.
57 Q. That is, the meat achieves an internal temperature of 70
58 degrees Centigrade?
59 A. Yes.