Day 100 - 09 Mar 95 - Page 29

     1        pounders patties have been increased by two and six seconds
     2        respectively between 1990 and 1991, and following the
     3        Preston incident the cooking times were lengthened still
     4        further.  Do you know how many times cooking times have
     5        been increased, since you can remember anyway?
     6        A.  The cooking times for beef burgers -- meat patties?
     8   Q.   Yes, in-store.
     9        A.  To my knowledge, it has been increased twice.
    11   Q.   When was that?
    12        A.  The first time was in 1991 and the second time was in
    13        1993.
    15   Q.   Just to refresh my memory -- it has been dealt with,
    16        I think, by Mr. Atherton -- the procedures for checking
    17        whether sample burgers are cooked or not was changed to
    18        replace the calibration checks with the internal
    19        temperature thermometers.  When were the internal
    20        thermometers on finished cooked burgers -----
    22   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  When you went over to internal temperature of
    23        the patty as opposed to time and temperature on the grill?
    24        A.  I think we started taking or recording the internal
    25        temperatures in 1991 when the change in cooking time was
    26        introduced.  I have given you the answer to the best of my
    27        knowledge.  These are operational considerations, and I do
    28        not have any jurisdiction.
    30   MR. MORRIS:  But you are from quality so you would have to know
    31        about it?
    32        A.  That is right.  We do.  We cook the meat patties at
    33        McKey's so, obviously, they have to follow the same
    34        procedures that they follow in the restaurants.
    36   Q.   Do you want to turn -- I do not know if it has been put in
    37        the witness volume but it should be pink volume VIII,
    38        tab 18.
    40   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I only go up to 17 in my mine which is the
    41        maintenance calendar.
    43   MR. MORRIS:  This was a document disclosed either during or
    44        after Mr. Atherton's evidence.
    46   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Say what it is.
    48   MR. MORRIS:  It is the memo from Mr. John Atherton 20th May
    49        1993.  I have written "tab 18 section C" on it which is
    50        what I was told. 
    52   THE WITNESS:  Yes, I have got that.  It is hidden behind ----- 
    54   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, it is easy to miss because it is behind a
    55        great folded chart.  It should be the last tab in
    56        pink VIII.
    58   MR. MORRIS:  Before we read the documents, it is McDonald's
    59        case, is it not, that the ultimate check or barrier to a
    60        customer contracting food poisoning would be the cooking of

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