Day 100 - 09 Mar 95 - Page 25
1 complaint was made under the old Food Act because the
2 actual incident occurred before the 1990 Food Safety Act
3 was brought in. So, there was not a due diligence defence
4 in that, in the old Food Act. So, all that had to be
5 proven was that the offence had been committed. I believe
6 McDonald's pleaded guilty to that.
8 Q. There was also an incident in April 1991 at Kingston
9 Magistrates, was there not, where McDonald's were fined for
10 serving an under-cooked McChicken Sandwich?
11 A. I am trying to recall.
13 MR. JUSTICE BELL: It has been admitted that in April 1991
14 Kingston Magistrates fined McDonald's £750 with £1500 costs
15 for serving an under-cooked Chicken Sandwich to a customer.
17 MS. STEEL: You were aware of that, were you, or not?
18 A. It does ring a bell, Kingston, but I cannot honestly
19 with hand on heart say that I recall that.
21 Q. So, you do not know what the cause of that incident was?
22 A. No, I do not.
24 Q. Do you know whether it was investigated?
25 A. I am sure it was. I cannot recall it so I cannot say
26 categorically, but certainly if it went to Magistrates
27 court then it would have been thoroughly investigated.
29 Q. There was another incident (which I am not sure whether
30 that has resulted in a court case or not) last year when at
31 McDonald's in Shrewsbury a customer was served under-cooked
32 Chicken McNuggets -----
34 MR. RAMPTON: Ms. Steel said that she was not sure whether that
35 was a court case or not.
37 MS. STEEL: Yes.
39 MR. RAMPTON: Unless she is saying that there was, she has to
40 accept that there was not.
42 MS. STEEL: I am asking about an incident, not about a court
43 case.
45 MR. RAMPTON: No, exactly.
47 MR. MORRIS: We cannot assume that because we do not know that
48 there was one that there was not one.
50 MR. JUSTICE BELL: No, do not worry. Just ask about the
51 incident. Put the incident.
53 MS. STEEL (To the witness): There was an incident in Shrewsbury
54 where a customer were served uncooked Chicken McNuggets
55 which contained Salmonella, are you aware of that, are you?
56 A. Yes, I am aware of the incident.
58 Q. What investigations have you carried out into that?
59 A. I did not carry out the investigations into that, it
60 was a colleague of mine who did the investigations.