Day 100 - 09 Mar 95 - Page 06
1 on 12th January, it might well be relevant to see that.
3 MR. RAMPTON: Yes, that I understand. May I, with all those
4 indications, my Lord, say this: The question whether
5 McDonald's has the power to command this kind of an
6 exercise from McKey's is still an open question.
10 MR. RAMPTON: McKey's are very co-operative -- that is perfectly
11 clear -- and we will convey what your Lordship has
12 suggested to them. I do not know, first, whether documents
13 for 1992 still exist; secondly, I do not know whether any
14 document or documents of the kind for a single date of the
15 ideal sort your Lordship has suggested in fact exists,
16 because I have no idea whether Midland and Jarret and Bowes
17 ever all delivered on the same day, still less whether they
18 make four deliveries all at the same time. But we will
19 enquire about that. I put a reservation upon it in case it
20 should turn out that any of those things is not so, or that
21 it should turn out that it is a massive task. I hope that
22 would not be so.
24 I would also enquire what was the last date in 1994, it
25 might be 1995 or, rather, the first date when the
26 documents, as it were, start to exist again. I will also
27 enquire what volume we are talking about. I will ask, if
28 it is easily done, for a copy of the relevant page or pages
29 of the ledger log, or whatever it is, that this typed table
30 is based on.
32 MR. JUSTICE BELL: If the log is easy to deal with, it obviously
33 makes sense to have it for any date where the primary
34 documentation, be it in August 1991 or January this year or
35 whenever, is disclosed, if it is disclosed.
37 In the meantime, I think we should do our best to press on
38 with the evidence. My proposal today (for reasons I think
39 you are aware of) is to rise about five to one and not
40 resume until quarter past two or as soon thereafter as I am
41 available.
43 MR. MORRIS: We have not heard about that but that is fine.
45 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I thought you knew that I had to -- I think
46 you do know but you just have not attached to it what
47 I have said.
49 MR. RAMPTON: I am reasonably confident that this typed sheet is
50 likely to be accurate. It is an accurate record of what is
51 in the ledger. For that reason, I am quite content if the
52 Defendants should think it helpful to do so -- that is a
53 big "if", of course -- they should use it in
54 cross-examination of Mr. Kenny ---
56 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I think -----
58 MR. RAMPTON: -- as though it were the written ledger.
60 MR. JUSTICE BELL: It is up to you whether you embark on