Day 097 - 06 Mar 95 - Page 38
2 MR. JUSTICE BELL: There we are. Maybe you will be able to say
3 that could not be reliable if it may have been hearsay. We
4 have had the evidence of Dr. Pattison since or some of it.
6 MR. MORRIS: We obviously make the same point about Mr. North's
7 visit. This was on my page 12, the paragraph starting:
8 "Mr. Morris also asked".
10 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes, let me just read that.
12 MR. MORRIS: He did say that again he had not had access to
13 documents because of the Plaintiffs' specification. He did
14 say that there can be an inverse correlation between visual
15 appearance and fundamental hygiene problems. I think it is
16 only fair that we have access to documents in the
17 possession of the Plaintiffs.
19 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I have ruled on that in the paragraph which
20 you have referred me to.
22 MR. MORRIS: Then the next point (which is a very important
23 point) is the soya matter: Two things, really, whether
24 documents are in the power or possession or control of the
25 Plaintiffs, of McDonald's, and whether there is evidence
26 about the Brazilian connection. First of all, if
27 McDonald's have documents in their own possession, they
28 should be disclosed. It is our believe that they must have
29 documents in their possession about this issue, as it was a
30 matter of great controversy and continues to be a matter of
31 controversy.
33 I did point out that we asked for correspondence between
34 McDonald's Germany and L&O Fleischwaren and, presumably,
35 McDonald's Germany would have copies of that
36 correspondence, and any other relevant correspondence
37 documents they have got. So, whereas in your ruling you
38 said that documents in the possession of Raiffeisen or L&O
39 Fleischwaren would not be in the possession, custody or
40 power of the Plaintiffs, but I think the documents in the
41 possession of McDonald's should be -----
43 MR. JUSTICE BELL: You see, they are not a Plaintiff. We went
44 through all this in any event. Maybe I should have said
45 "or McDonald's Germany", but I have said in any event that
46 you did not draw my attention to any evidence which
47 suggests that any soya bean meal which has been used to
48 feed cattle to provide meat for McDonald's products in
49 Germany has come from a rainforest country.
51 MR. MORRIS: Yes, I was just about to do that but did not.
53 MR. JUSTICE BELL: You did not actually do it, you see.
55 MR. MORRIS: I just assumed that was obvious because it was in
56 the Plaintiffs' own witness statement, so if I could just
57 refer you to the page number ------
59 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Do not do it now because it is quarter past
60 one when we have still got rainforest some way ahead. If