Day 097 - 06 Mar 95 - Page 33
1 quantities may include pathogenic bacteria. But, in order
2 to allay your fears that it has being alleged that E.coli
3 is routinely found, she is suggesting that after
4 "pathogenic bacteria" is inserted "other than E.coli", and
5 we had better give it the number, "0157 H are routinely
6 found in the raw meat products".
8 MR. RAMPTON: If that is done, I shall not object to the
9 pleading but I shall not admit it either.
11 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Once leave is given, either in the form
12 sought or in some modified form, you should have a period
13 of time -- presumably you would not need very long -- to
14 decide whether and what is admitted of the amended
15 pleadings, and then if there is any argument about
16 discovery I will have to decide it.
18 MR. RAMPTON: My Lord, I cannot think that this pleading could
19 possibly give rise to any discovery.
21 MR. JUSTICE BELL: That is entirely a matter for you.
23 MR. RAMPTON: Yes, I know.
25 MR. JUSTICE BELL: What I am suggesting, Ms. Steel, is that we
26 keep "pathogenic bacteria". After that one inserts "other
27 than E.coli 0157 H". I would take out "the company itself
28 states" because that is pleading evidence rather than the
29 facts. But otherwise you would have your amendment which
30 is really the substance of what you have asked for, unless
31 you want to put any further argument to me?
33 MS. STEEL: The only thing I would say is perhaps we should
34 change 10,000,000 to 5,000,000.
36 MR. JUSTICE BELL: If you want to do that, I will. There is
37 nothing you wish to say about that, Mr. Rampton?
39 MR. RAMPTON: No, my Lord, it seems to me more accurate.
41 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I will not give reasons because what
42 I propose to do is really being done by effective consent
43 without prejudice to the stands on the evidence which any
44 of the parties will take.
46 In relation to paragraph 6 the first proposed amendment
47 under food poisoning, I will give leave to amend in the
48 form set out in the draft, save that after the first two
49 words "pathogenic bacteria" will be inserted "other than
50 E.coli 0157 H", and that in the second sentence the words
51 "the company itself states" will be removed as a pleading
52 of evidence rather than of material fact.
54 Neither of those amendments change the substance of the
55 case which the Defendants were seeking to put by their
56 proposed amendment. I will also change "10,000,000
57 bacteria" to "5,000,000 bacteria" which, on the parts of
58 transcript I have been referred to, appears more accurately
59 to reflect the evidence of Mr. David Walker upon which that
60 sentence of the proposed amendment was based.