Day 097 - 06 Mar 95 - Page 28
1 there is, might well be a McDonald's Second Plaintiff's
2 document or it might be the evidence of a witness who was
3 called, but that is evidence rather than facts pleaded. Do
4 you understand? It does not harm you at all if the words
5 "the company itself states" are taken out.
7 MS. STEEL: I think the thing is that it is something that was
8 said by Mr. Walker and I do not really see why ------
10 MR. JUSTICE BELL: He is not McDonald's anyway.
12 MS. STEEL: No, but he is their supplier and he said what their
13 specifications were.
15 MR. JUSTICE BELL: But what "the company itself states", that is
16 the evidence you would pray in support. Do you see? It
17 does not do you any harm.
19 MS. STEEL: Yes, but I do not really understand because there
20 are things like that in other pleadings as well.
22 MR. JUSTICE BELL: There may well be and, perhaps, if there was
23 an application part way through the case to put them in,
24 I would be making the same comment.
26 MR. RAMPTON: My Lord, the problem is that the McDonald's
27 specification which is at tab 1B of pink VIII is for
28 failure at five x 10 to the sixth, total via the colony
29 count. So, whatever Mr. Walker might say, it is not
30 McDonald's who is saying it is 10,000,000.
32 MS. STEEL: Certainly, 10,000,000 would be unacceptable by their
33 standard.
35 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I am not objecting to the 10,000,000 for the
36 moment. It may be that when I have considered all the
37 evidence as a result of your submissions I will say it
38 should be five rather than 10 or one rather than 10. Is
39 there anything more you want to say about the words "the
40 company itself states"?
42 MS. STEEL: No.
44 MR. JUSTICE BELL: What about ----
46 MS. STEEL: The thing is that it does reflect on the fact that
47 they set a standard and then they are not that bothered
48 about it. But I am not going to stand here arguing about
49 it.
51 MR. JUSTICE BELL: You are not excluded from making that
52 comment. If I say anything in the future, or Mr. Rampton
53 does, which it is suggested you cannot argue that the
54 Second Plaintiffs acting for each of their own standards,
55 you can refer me back to this but I do not expect that to
56 arise for a moment.
58 The point taken in the first sentence is that you do not
59 specify the pathogenic bacteria.