Day 092 - 27 Feb 95 - Page 09
1 question regarding the indoors-----
3 Q. You are asked what the sort of setup would be, a typical
4 setup, for weaners on to leaving the farm if it is an
5 indoor system?
6 A. Then I say a cover likely most like a house without any
7 walls, just the outside walls. They have access to water.
8 It could be similar to a bucket or mostly it is a through
9 nipples so they can drink the water. They have access to
10 feed, obviously. Some of them, depending on the
11 conditions, could have a -- sorry, no, that is for outdoors
12 -- then they have ventilation.
14 MS. STEEL: So they would not always have straw in there either?
15 A. No, that is correct.
17 Q. Is there a maximum stocking density for the pigs?
18 A. In the United States, no.
20 Q. There is not?
21 A. As far as I know, no.
23 Q. Does McDonald's specify a maximum stocking density?
24 A. No.
26 Q. Does McDonald's have any specifications about the rearing
27 of pigs?
28 A. McDonald's, no. We follow again the Humane Treatment
29 of Animals, the Act. We do not. We do have part of our
30 specifications that says we do not use PSE meat -- pale,
31 soft and exudative -- as well as dark meat which are
32 indicators of stress to animals. So, if any species is
33 susceptible to stress that would be pork and it is so easy
34 to detect just by looking at the meat. We concentrate on
35 that. We do not use that. That leads to the detriment of
36 the farmer -- not to cause any stress to the animal.
38 Q. Some stress is inevitable, is it not?
39 A. Of course, this is life. This is Mother Nature.
41 Q. So there has to be a certain amount of stress before you
42 will get this effect?
43 A. Every animal species that lives has to undergo some
44 kind of stress.
46 Q. No, but the PSE you are talking about ---
47 A. Yes.
49 Q. -- it is not just any stress that will cause that effect?
50 A. No, that is a -----
52 Q. It will be extreme stress or something like that?
53 A. Yes, it could be -- it is directly related to extreme
54 stress over a short period of time.
56 Q. Right, a short period of time?
57 A. Yes.
59 Q. So that would be just prior to slaughter or something like
60 that?