Day 077 - 25 Jan 95 - Page 11
1 mentioned.
3 MS. STEEL: It does concern me that Mr. Rampton brings up
4 subjects, gets evidence favourable to him and then when we
5 bring evidence to counteract that he then says: "Oh, it is
6 not relevant and we do not need to discuss that".
8 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I am not going to pass any general comment on
9 the case. We are dealing with the question of BSE and we
10 must focus on that at the moment.
12 MS. STEEL: That was related to BSE. He asked Dr. Gonzales
13 whether there was any evidence that it could be passed to
14 humans.
16 MR. JUSTICE BELL: You look that up, if the argument goes over,
17 and if you think that anything that Mr. Rampton has said or
18 asked or any answer any witness has given to Mr. Rampton
19 gainsays his argument in this case or supports an argument
20 on your behalf that BSE is part of the case, put that to
21 me.
23 MS. STEEL: I know where it is.
25 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes, all right.
27 MR. RAMPTON: Mr. Walker.
29 MS. STEEL: Can I just ask one final question? The documents
30 that came this morning, are they intended as replacements
31 for the other ones?
33 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Which documents are those?
35 MR. RAMPTON: Ms. Steel should ask Mr. Morris because
36 Mrs. Brinley-Codd has explained it all to him. There is
37 one document at Appendix 1 to Mr. Walker's statement, my
38 Lord, which is, at any rate in my copy, largely speaking,
39 irrelevant (sic). We could not get a better copy because
40 we do not know where the original is, if it exists. What
41 has happened is that Mrs. Brinley-Codd's secretary has
42 retyped that document. There is one -----
44 MR. JUSTICE BELL: It is the one which was rather feint towards
45 the bottom of the page.
47 MR. RAMPTON: That is right. Then appendix 2 is also rather
48 feint; that we have been able to replace by recopying.
49 That did not require to be retyped. That has been
50 replaced.
52 MS. STEEL: So that is the replacement?
54 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I see. It has been put in my bundle
55 already. Thank you.
57 MR. RAMPTON: It should be a document dated October 1991; in
58 fact, it also appears in one of the pink bundles.