Day 076 - 18 Jan 95 - Page 43

     2   Q.   Are there things like -- Burton House or whatever it is
     3        called ----
     4        A.  Burton Court.
     6   Q.   Have you ever seen environment/index.html">litter in there?
     7        A.  Yes.
     9   Q.   That would be beyond McDonald's reach even if they wanted
    10        to pick it up?
    11        A.  Yes.
    13   Q.   Are there other areas close to the store where environment/index.html">litter ends
    14        up that would be very difficult to collect that you have
    15        not mentioned?
    16        A.  Not apart from those two main gardens and Burtons
    17        Court, I would have thought.
    19   Q.   Just one final question.  Has the rubbish in your street
    20        overall got better or worse or the same since McDonald's
    21        opened up?  I mean, what, more, less or the same overall
    22        since McDonald's opened, the environment/index.html">litter problem in your street
    23        has it got worse?
    24        A.  Incredibly worse.  McDonald's contributes 70 per cent
    25        of it, so it is, yes.
    27   Q.   Would you say from walking around the area, as you do, that
    28        that applies to all the other streets in the area that you
    29        walk around, that the problem has got worse since
    30        McDonald's opened?
    31        A.  Well, I only know from people talking about it.  I have
    32        not prowled around looking for it.  I say we used to have a
    33        bigger problem in the hairdressers before McDonald's came,
    34        but they have gone now.  No, environment/index.html">litter generally has got a bit
    35        worse since it was privatised.
    37   MR. MORRIS:  Thank you.  No further questions.
    39   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Thank you, Mr. McIntyre.
    41                        (The witness withdrew).
    43   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  We will resume at 10.30 next Wednesday with
    44        Mr. Walker.
    46   MR. MORRIS:  I was going to mention a couple of legal points
    47        which maybe it is not worth going into today.  I did not do
    48        my list because there were only a couple of points, some
    49        had been dealt with such as the schedule.
    51   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  We do not run everything by the clock, but if 
    52        it is going to take any time, we will break off now and the 
    53        question is whether we all want to come back at, say, a
    54        quarter past two to deal with them or it would be perfectly
    55        convenient dealt with when we resume altogether.
    57   MR. MORRIS:  I thought it would be worth mentioning the points.
    59   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Just state them and then we will start again
    60        next Wednesday.

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