Day 076 - 18 Jan 95 - Page 40
2 Q. Smith Street.
4 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Mr. Rampton, do you want to break now?
6 MR. RAMPTON: No, my Lord. I would like to finish. I will be
7 another five minutes, if that is all right.
8 A. I think the worst case is actually when they discard
9 their unfinished remains, which they do from time to time.
11 Q. You say "they"?
12 A. Whoever has dropped the stuff. The pigeons are feeding
13 on it and, presumably, by night other vermin.
15 Q. You say "they", the 50 per cent who are so ill-educated
16 that they will not put their take away remains into bins?
17 A. The 50 per cent that come down our street, yes.
19 Q. Your street is a thoroughfare in a sense?
20 A. Yes, it is.
22 Q. Do people sit outside your house in their cars, maybe at a
23 meter space or maybe in a resident's space which is even
24 more annoying, eating their take-away meals?
25 A. Yes, they do.
27 Q. Then just chuck it on the pavement or in the gutter?
28 A. If I am not looking at them they do.
30 Q. Do you ever remonstrate with them?
31 A. Yes, I do.
33 Q. One final question about the photographs, Mr. McIntyre,
34 photographs 8 and 9, which are, you tell us and you are
35 probably right outside of McDonald's back door in Royal
36 Avenue, is that right?
37 A. That is right.
39 Q. You think after the meeting of the Royal Hospital Ward
40 Association ending around 8.30, therefore between 8.30,
41 8.45, those photographs were taken?
42 A. Yes. I cannot be absolutely specific.
44 Q. You have given the date, Monday 12th, September 1994?
45 A. I think it was then. It could have been three months
46 earlier.
48 Q. I am not challenging the authenticity of the photographs in
49 any way at all. What I want to ask you is how long you
50 were there?
51 A. Ten minutes. I spoke to the chap who you see walking
52 away.
54 Q. Yes, he is a McDonald's person, is he?
55 A. I took it for granted. He had a McDonald's hat on. He
56 may not have been.
58 Q. What did you say to him?
59 A. I said, "What are you going to do about this lot?"