Day 076 - 18 Jan 95 - Page 25
1 its own right. A corporate body can only operate by
2 people. One is perfectly entitled to argue: "Look, this
3 person's position and standing in the company is sufficient
4 for you to be able to accept that he is the embodiment of
5 the company in expressing that view". That is the best way
6 I can put it in ordinary language.
8 But when we come to Residents Associations and where you
9 are talking in relation to environment/index.html">litter of what the position
10 actually was on the street then, my view, subject to any
11 further argument, is that the Honorary Secretary, for
12 instance, of an Association cannot give evidence,
13 admissible evidence, of what other people tell him or have
14 told him that they have seen.
16 MS. STEEL: I do not understand how it can be fair that an
17 executive of a corporate body can give evidence on behalf
18 of the rest of that corporate body, but someone in a
19 comparable situation and position in a Residents
20 Association, or whatever type of organisation, cannot do
21 the same for that organisation.
23 MR. JUSTICE BELL: That is my ruling. By all means go away to
24 anyone who can help you as to the legality of the matter
25 and consider it with them. It is not as if it is difficult
26 because these people live only three miles away.
28 I cannot do more to help you. You have had Mr. Siddique;
29 you have had Mr. Stump; you have called Mr. McIntyre. In
30 so far as their evidence conflicts, in so far as at the end
31 of the day it conflicts or is thought to conflict, I will
32 have to decide which I prefer. You have letters written by
33 people who, for all I know, are in their houses or offices
34 within four or five miles of this building. It is entirely
35 up to you, in the light of my ruling, whether you approach
36 them to see if they can give evidence which is helpful to
37 your cause. I am raising it so that you are aware of where
38 you stand.
40 MR. MORRIS (To the witness): Have you copies of the letters? I
41 do not know if they are in the witness bundles.
43 MR. JUSTICE BELL: We need the appropriate bundle, do we not?
45 MR. RAMPTON: Pink V, my Lord, tab 49.
47 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Mr. McIntyre, you want divider 49 near the
48 back.
50 MR. MORRIS: You have the bundle of letters in front of you,
51 have you?
52 A. I have not reached the letters yet.
54 MR. JUSTICE BELL: They are numbered pages and Mr. Morris will
55 give you a page number that you can look at.
57 MR. MORRIS: Just have a quick look roughly through them.
59 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Unfortunately, they are not in chronological
60 order.