Day 076 - 18 Jan 95 - Page 16
1 somewhat irregularly.
3 Q. Do people walk up and down the street with black plastic
4 bags apart from street cleaners generally?
5 A. No, no.
7 Q. So have you seen any environment/index.html">litter patrols recently or in the last
8 few years even from time to time or what?
9 A. No, they stopped doing it, I would have said, in mid
10 1992, and since then there have been no regular patrols at
11 all. I have seen one environment/index.html">litter cleaner -- it was enough of a
12 joke, we all made a note of it in our diaries -- in August.
14 Q. Do you want to just check with your diary if you have a
15 reference to it?
16 A. Yes, I wrote it in. It became a bit of a joke because
17 we had not seen them for a long time. Yes, 16th August
18 Tuesday, 8.15 p.m. a McDonald's wheely bin came down the
19 street. It was sufficiently unique because I do not think
20 I have seen the wheely bin in Smith Street. So, a couple
21 of neighbours commented on it. I wrote it down in my
22 diary.
24 Q. Is it of any use if the court wants to see the diary or
25 does that make no difference?
27 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Normally, if you are going to rely on a diary
28 it is disclosed in advance. But, subject to anything
29 Mr. Rampton says in due course, I will just ask a question
30 or two about it. Your diary has some personal matters in
31 it as well, has it, or not particularly?
32 A. I do not think anything that I would be ashamed of.
34 Q. Nothing that we would find very exciting! Is there any
35 other entry which relates to McDonald's and environment/index.html">litter?
36 A. No, only the meetings of the different Residents
37 Associations at which they were discussed.
39 Q. You would have a note that there was a meeting on that day?
40 A. Just that.
42 Q. Just a note of the meeting?
43 A. Yes.
45 Q. Is there anything in any way comparable to 16th August
46 entry?
47 A. No.
49 Q. Can you just read out what your entry is on that day,
50 Mr. McIntyre?
51 A. Yes, there is nothing else in the whole week.
52 "8.15 p.m. McDonald's", and I put it in quotes, "'Wheely
53 bin seen in Smith Street'". My son was there and was the
54 first person, he drew my attention to it and then two
55 neighbours commented.
57 MR. MORRIS: You commented on your neighbours' responses or your
58 recollection of their responses. At the meetings of Smith
59 Street or at any other time have you sought neighbours'
60 views on this subject?