Day 076 - 18 Jan 95 - Page 14
1 eaten it and dropped it out of the window, or was it spread
2 evenly or unevenly down the street?
3 A. No, it was all the way down the street because, in
4 fact, I walked down my side of the street which is the west
5 side and then to the pillar box and then up the east side.
6 So, it was both sides of the street and it was in sort of
7 little clusters. It was certainly not one car. It was
8 several pedestrians or several cars. Well, what inspired
9 me to do it was hearing Mr. Stump say that they regularly
10 cleared the streets; I thought I would just do a count.
12 MR. MORRIS: That was last Sunday, was it?
13 A. Last Sunday.
15 Q. That kind of environment/index.html">litter -----
17 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Do you want to ask more about that? Did you
18 go out again later to see if it was still there or do any
19 check of that kind?
20 A. No, I did not.
22 MR. MORRIS: That kind of amount, would that be fairly typical
23 or would that be more than usual or less than usual?
24 A. I could not really say.
26 Q. You do not normally count?
27 A. I do not normally do a count.
29 Q. But did it seem to you to be exceptional?
30 A. No, it was not excessive. No, it is the normal weekend
31 sort of thing. It does go up at weekends; there is no
32 question about that.
34 Q. How would that compare to the other streets that you have
35 walked around, Leonard's Terrace and Royal Avenue and
36 Wellington Square?
37 A. One is just aware of it. I am afraid, you know, I tend
38 to just look at my own street. I do not go around looking
39 further very much.
41 Q. Were they big items, these 12 items?
42 A. No, they were not. In fact, there was only -- were two
43 of these little bun packets or crisp packets, crisp
44 containers, those little containers, I do not know what
45 they are called.
47 MR. JUSTICE BELL: What, the cartons, the french fries cartons?
48 A. French fries cartons. Two of those and the rest were
49 either coffee cups or the top of coffee or the top of -- or
50 Coca Cola cartons. The Coca Cola does not have
51 "McDonald's" on it but -----
53 MR. MORRIS: You mean the actual cups?
54 A. Yes.
56 Q. But you have noticed that kind of environment/index.html">litter in the other
57 streets even though you do not make a point of noting it?
58 A. Oh, yes.
60 Q. You said that earlier on.