Day 064 - 08 Dec 94 - Page 30

     2   Q.   Is it not a fact that in order to apply for intervention
     3        beef, you have to actually buy some Brazilian beef; is that
     4        correct?
     5        A.  No.  You can apply for intervention beef without buying
     6        Brazilian beef.
     8   Q.   I am sorry.  I mean the balance sheet beef which you
     9        purchased at that time gave you right to buy the cheaper
    10        intervention beef stored in Europe, is that correct?  That
    11        was a prerequisite, I believe?
    12        A.  No, it was not a prerequisite.  We would have had
    13        access to intervention beef anyway, as we have had
    14        subsequently when from time to time it is available.  The
    15        balance sheet beef was a special import scheme that we were
    16        allowed access to at that time.
    18   Q.   It might be useful to go to -----
    20   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Can we put that one away or do you want to
    21        keep that on one side?
    23   MR. MORRIS:  Keep that on one side, I think, having gone into
    24        this.  The letters that were disclosed by the Plaintiffs:
    25        I think, if you remember before, we were worried that they
    26        had not been put in the trial bundle.
    28   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, of course they had not.  Would Mr. Morris
    29        mind retiring for a moment while I make an objection?  Your
    30        Lordship may remember that we, by mistake, disclosed some
    31        privileged documents.  He has got them.  We have written
    32        asking for their return.  The Defendants have refused to
    33        return them.  It is quite obvious why they are not in the
    34        bundle.  They are, in fact, draft letters by a partner in
    35        Barlow Lyde & Gilbert on behalf of McDonald's touching upon
    36        a matter possibly of complicated litigation.
    38        There was to have been an argument at some stage (which we
    39        have not had before your Lordship yet) what is the status
    40        of a privileged document which is disclosed in error by a
    41        party?  Can it be referred to in court?  Is there an
    42        obligation on the party who receives it to return it
    43        without more ado?  That is not an argument we have had
    44        yet.  Until that argument is had and your Lordship has made
    45        a ruling, I must register an objection to their use in
    46        court.  If necessary, I shall seek an order for their
    47        return.
    49   MS. STEEL:  I have not got the papers on me but I did research
    50        this at this time and, as I understand it, if a party 
    51        discloses a document by accident, and the other party reads 
    52        it, not knowing that they should not have seen it, then 
    53        there is nothing that the Plaintiffs can do about it, and
    54        that is that.  We are entitled to use it, because otherwise
    55        it would prejudice our presentation of our case because we
    56        would not be allowed -----
    58   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  But we have to have a proper hearing into
    59        that matter ---

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