Day 064 - 08 Dec 94 - Page 24

     1   Q.   But in those circumstances where it is exceptionally
     2        allowed, then it would be OK for McDonald's to buy from
     3        those plants?
     4        A.  If we chose to, but we do not choose to, as you know.
     6   Q.   I am trying to find out what the policy is.
     7        A.  We do not choose to buy outside the European Union.
     8        That is our policy.
    10   Q.   That is your policy?
    11        A.  Yes.
    13   Q.   But if an EC approved abattoir imported beef into Europe,
    14        then you would be able to buy that beef once it has arrived
    15        in Europe because it would then be EC beef?
    16        A.  No, it would not.  It would have to state the country
    17        of origin on the beef.
    19   Q.   I am just trying to find something in the documents.  What
    20        is the policy in Europe -- have you a written policy for
    21        the purchase of beef in the EC?
    22        A.  We have a written -----
    24   Q.   Do you have a written policy which specifies exactly which
    25        countries or abattoirs are acceptable or not acceptable or
    26        whatever?  Has it been written down?
    27        A.  No.  We have a written specification which specifies
    28        the product.  We do not have a written policy on telling
    29        those suppliers where to buy that product but, clearly, as
    30        they work within the European Union, they have to abide by
    31        rules of the European Union so that becomes their policy.
    33   Q.   The rules of the EC union, as far I understand it, are you
    34        can purchase beef if it is EC approved, if it comes from an
    35        EC approved abattoir?
    36        A.  Yes.
    38   Q.   So, in fact, if there are EC approved abattoirs outside
    39        Europe, once the beef is inside Europe, it is EC approved?
    40        A.  I did explain to you earlier, you could on a strict
    41        quota basis but we do not choose to; it is not part of our
    42        policy.
    44   Q.   I am just trying to find out if you say you have a policy
    45        that says that.
    47   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Do you mean a written policy?
    49   MR. MORRIS:  Yes.
    51   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Because policy can either be written or not. 
    53   MR. MORRIS:  Yes.
    55   THE WITNESS:  I have seen it written in letters but I am not
    56        aware that there is a document that actually says that.
    58   MR. MORRIS:  What is your understanding of the Brazilian beef
    59        imports?  You were around at the time, yes?
    60        A.  What time are we talking about?

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