Day 064 - 08 Dec 94 - Page 18

     1   MR. MORRIS (To the witness):  The first question is Jarrats ---
     3   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Hold on.
     5   MR. MORRIS:  -- do you want to have a read of the statement
     6        I might ask about?  It does run on to the other page as
     7        well so maybe it is fairer for the witness to look at the
     8        statement which was served a few days ago and he could have
     9        seen it.
    11   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  He has other things to think about.
    13   THE WITNESS:  I have been in Ireland for two days.  OK.
    15   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  What I suggest is ask him if he knows
    16        anything about that because I have just appreciated that
    17        most of it is not about McKey Foods, though it may or may
    18        not reflect on McKey Foods.  Ask Mr. Oakley if he knows
    19        anything about the practices which are criticised in that
    20        statement.
    22   MR. MORRIS:  Jarrat is one of your McKey suppliers, yes?
    23        A.  I am not aware that it is, but it says it is here so
    24        I assume that is correct.
    26   Q.   You said you have a supplier, an abattoir, in the
    27        southwest?
    28        A.  Yes.
    30   Q.   Is this that abattoir?
    31        A.  I honestly do not know.  I know of another company
    32        there but I do not know.  I assume this is correct but I am
    33        not certain.
    35   Q.   First of all, I would say that if these claims are true,
    36        would you have any concerns about what has been said here?
    37        A.  Yes, of course.
    39   Q.   A number of her claims on the first page are about having
    40        no laboratory, access to a laboratory.
    42   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Where are you going now with this witness,
    43        because we have to be productive without prejudicing you
    44        presenting your case.  I want to know where in the light of
    45        Mr. Oakley's answer so far you can usefully go with him on
    46        this, as opposed to some other witness in the future,
    47        including the witness you propose to call yourself.
    49   MR. MORRIS:  I am going to put to him about how, if these claims
    50        are true, he would respond with McKey's because ultimately 
    51        Mr. Oakley is responsible for ----- 
    53   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Just ask him that.
    55   MR. MORRIS:  Yes.  If the claims -- I am talking specifically
    56        about the raw material specifications of McKey's are not
    57        adhered to about there being a laboratory on the premises
    58        and sampling for E.coli, too high boning temperatures and
    59        ages of cows limitations, if those claims are true, what
    60        would be your response having found out about it?

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